
Tuesday, July 5, 2016

The scholar who is humble and respectful towards everyone is truly a great person

Consider this example. They bring a large number of oranges in a lorry and dump them in a factory. When the oranges are brought in, some of them are green, some yellow, some ripe, some overripe, and so on. From all these oranges, they extract the juice and bottle it under a trade name. Once the juice is extracted and put in a bottle, you no longer see the different forms of the oranges which were present before. One can not say which part of the juice comes from which orange. Similarly, when all of us have merged ourselves in Divinity, we will not quarrel over individual forms and names. We will only see the one common aspect of divinity (Brahman) shining in everyone.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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