
Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Remove all negative feelings. Develop more and more positive thoughts.

Remove all negative feelings. Develop more and more positive thoughts. Along the way some might criticise you, that’s an opportunity of transformation for you! Think this way, “My parents gave me one name, friends gave another name and others gave me a nickname! This body has many names, that’s all!” Will you become bad if someone calls you bad? No! If they call you bad, try to become free of bad qualities, if they are present in you. If someone points out a mistake, try to free yourself from that mistake if it’s there in you – that’s all!” Handle criticism gracefully. Embodiments of love! In this Kali age, when desires are not fulfilled, people start blaming even God! Don't hate anybody and don't accuse anybody; as much as possible, love all and if not possible, at least don't hate anyone. Bhagawan wants all to develop the spirit of oneness and unity.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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