
Saturday, March 31, 2018

Jesus Christ exemplified several noble qualities.

Jesus Christ exemplified several noble qualities. He gave protection to several poor and destitute people with a loving heart. Jesus earned such a good name by sacrificing His body on the cross. You also must be prepared for such a great sacrifice. You must purify your heart with selfless love. Lead a life full of love and sacrifice! Never indulge in reviling others, for the same atma is permeating in every living being. If you abuse others, it amounts to abusing your own self. If you do not like them, keep yourself away from them, but never abuse them! Any amount of good work done by you will be of no use, if you do not give up bad qualities. You may not always oblige others’ requests, but you can always speak obligingly. Nobody can escape from pain and suffering. Today it is that person, tomorrow it could be you. Therefore if you find someone suffering, try to help.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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