I would like to tell you something about the attitude you must cultivate when you volunteer. I Myself have selected you for this role and that itself is a rare privilege. There are so many among the thousands who are pleading with all their heart to be given the chance; but you alone have been picked. I must tell you that volunteering is not just a momentary spurt; it cannot be done well without deep discipline, long training and humility. You must develop prema (love) for all. Do not think that a volunteer is a superior person, more devoted than the rest; do not look down upon the rest as disturbances and nuisances. When you treat any one harshly, you are treating Me harshly. When you are insulting any one, you are insulting Me. If you have love for Me, have prema towards all, since Sai is in every one.
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
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