
Saturday, October 20, 2018

Thought for the Day

What can you achieve with your paltry intelligence? A man once laughed at God for giving the majestic banyan tree a tiny seed and conferring on the ash gourd, a gigantic fruit. “No sense of proportion,” he thought! He was travelling, and as time passed, he felt tired and happened to sleep under the shade of a banyan tree. When he woke up, he saw many seeds that had fallen on his body. If only the banyan tree had seeds in proportion to its size, a single seed falling from that height would have killed the critic in no time! He thanked God for His perfect logic and wisdom and continued the journey, feeling safe and secure. Take everything as it comes, and cultivate contentment. Do not multiply your wants and foster greed and despair. You take off your warm clothing when you start feeling warm yourself. The coat of desire has to be taken off when the warmth of devotion increases. Strive to secure grace, do not strive to secure any lesser fruit. 

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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