When a person dies, the property and things remain at home; they do not go with the person into the beyond. Even the relatives cannot accompany; only the good or the bad name one has earned will last. So every one of you must live in such a way that posterity will remember you with gratitude and joy. To lead the good life, constant prompting from the God within is a great help. That inspiration can be got only by constantly reciting the Lord's Name (Namasmarana) and calling on the inner springs of Divinity. Practice incessantNamasmarana. Also remember, by simply singing loud or shouting Shivoham, you cannot become Shiva; you must develop the qualities of Divinity like universal love, absence of attachment, etc. Then you will be entitled to assert Shivoham, and even if you do not assert at all, you will be Shiva, for you will then have no aham feeling (no egoism)!
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
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