
Friday, December 21, 2018

Thought for the Day

Embodiments of Divine Love! If you desire to secure genuine peace in the world, you should not have any antipathy towards religion. You must hold morality (neeti) as superior to your community (jati). You must cherish good feelings as more important than religious beliefs. Mutual regard (Mamata), equal-mindedness (samata) and forbearance (kshamata) are essential foundational qualities for every human being. A true human being is one who cultivates these three sacred qualities. Get rid of all self-interest and self-centeredness. Develop love, forbearance and compassion. Live harmoniously. Service to the needy should be your guiding principle. There should be no room for any kind of differences in rendering service. When you wish to serve society, you must be prepared to sacrifice your individual and communal interests. Through such sacrifice you can sublimate your life. Scriptures (Vedas) have emphatically declared that immortality can be attained only through sacrifice (tyaga).

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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