Jesus taught simple practical lessons in spiritual advancement for the good of mankind; He manifested divine powers to instill faith in the validity of His teachings; He marked out the path that confers sweet nectar of bliss (Ananda) on humanity. He exhorted people by precept to cultivate the virtues of charity, compassion, forbearance, love and faith. We must pay attention to the sacrifice that Jesus made while free, out of His own volition. He sacrificed His happiness, prosperity, position, comfort, and safety, and braved the enmity of the powerful. He refused to yield or compromise. He renounced the ego, which is the toughest thing to get rid of. Honour Him for these. He willingly gave up the desires with which the body torments man; this is a great sacrifice. The celebration of His birthday has to be marked by your sacrificing at least a desire or two, and conquering at least the more disastrous urges of the ego.
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
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