
Wednesday, January 30, 2019

The best spiritual discipline is to strengthen the inward vision.

God belongs to everyone and is not the sole preserve of anyone. There is only one God, He manifests Himself in many forms to please different people. Sadhana alone is not enough to understand this truth. The spirit of enquiry and discrimination is also necessary. Today, in pursuit of worldly interests and out of commercial considerations, what is essentially one is split and being regarded as many. In this process, true Divinity is lost; people fail to distinguish between what is true and what is false and are unable to grasp the true nature of the Divine. To fix this, firm faith is very essential. Be steadfast, true and pure. God's grace cannot be won if you waver from moment to moment, and if your heart is impure. God judges a devotee by the purity of the heart and not by the elaborate worship performed. If you do nothing, but just cleanse your heart, God will enter it and shine! 

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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