The listening or viewing of a musician singing in Delhi in thousands of homes simultaneously, is rendered possible by technology. But when we read in the Bhagavata that Sri Krishna appeared to the Gopikas, simultaneously in thousands of homes, questions are asked whether this is credible. If man-made gadgets (yantras) can be so powerful, why doubt the power ofmantras? Sound waves are converted into electrical waves and transmitted through ether. The waves have a permanence in space and can be received by one who can tune in to the vibrations. Likewise, if the all-pervasive Divine is received in the radio receiver of the heart by tuning in with one-pointed devotion, the bliss of that experience will reveal Him to you. It is because the Gopikas were experts in this technology, they could experience the omnipresence of Krishna. Their hearts were filled with the form and name of Krishna who was their unfailing friend in all situations.
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
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