
Friday, September 27, 2019

An uncontrolled mind is your enemy number One

A farmer who wants to raise a crop in the field has to remove, at the outset, the weeds from his field. If different types of weeds grow, the crop will be adversely affected. Removing the weeds is an essential precondition for getting a good crop. Similarly, a spiritual aspirant who seeks to realise 'Atma-ananda' (the joy of bliss), must remove from one’s heart the various manifestations of Rajo and Tamo gunas in the form of malice, desire, greed, anger, hatred and jealousy. These six types of enemies of man are the children of Rajo and Tamo gunas (qualities of passionate activity, dull ignorance and indolence). Sri Krishna explained in Gita that sorrow is the fruit of Rajo and Thamo gunas. The entire world is a manifestation of gunas. Only the person who recognises this truth and removes the two qualities from the heart, will be happy.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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