
Monday, September 2, 2019

Desire destroys devotion, anger destroys wisdom, greed destroys work – hence these bad qualities must be corrected.

Today people are not making proper use of their mind (mati), effort  (gati),  position 
(sthiti) and wealth (sampatti)? As a result, they are losing the sacred energy that God has blessed them with. Not merely this, they are subjected to misery and grief because of their evil traits like kama, krodha and lobha (desire, anger and greed). They have absolutely no control over their desires. When one desire is fulfilled, people crave for another. Anger is another evil trait which ruins people. Hatred is more dangerous than anger. It gives rise to many evil qualities which obstruct your experience of Divinity. Humans are supposed to live for a hundred years, but one’s life-span is cut short by these evil qualities. When these evil traits are totally subdued, one can enjoy a long and happy life. One will not lose one’s life even if he or she were to meet with a serious accident.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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