
Monday, September 2, 2019

Whatever be the trouble, however great be the sorrow, persist and win over it by recalling the Lord’s Name.

Food habits are of primary importance when health has to be secured and maintained. When these are not regulated, health suffers. One should restrain the wild adventuresomeness of the tongue. Among the 84 lakh species of living beings, except humans all live on food as provided by Mother Nature. Man alone strives to make such food more palatable, more attractive to the senses of sight, touch and smell by boiling, frying and freezing, and mixing, grinding and soaking. The consequence of this greed is ill-health and debility. One should realise that food materials, as offered by nature, are really more beneficial. When heat is applied, they lose the vitality yielding components and cannot confer strength and efficiency. The person ages fast and loses the sprightliness of youth. Catering to the cravings of the tongue and swallowing heavy foods three or four times a day can only add to the heap. Regular and limited intakes alone can enable a person to discharge one's duties.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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