
Monday, October 28, 2019

“I am the Light.”

Do karma (activity) based on the spiritual wisdom that all is One! Let it be suffused with devotion, humility, love, compassion and nonviolence. If devotion is not filled with spiritual wisdom it will be light as a balloon, which drifts along any gust of wind. Mere wisdom will make your heart dry; devotion makes it soft with sympathy, and karma gives the hands something to do, something that will sanctify your every minute you live. That is why devotion is referred to as upasana which also means ‘dwelling near’, feeling the Presence, and sharing the sweetness of Divinity. The yearning for upasana prompts you to go on pilgrimages, to construct and renovate temples, to consecrate images and offer prescribed worship. All this is karma of a high order; they lead to spiritual wisdom. First, you start with the idea, “I am in the Light.” Then you feel, “The light is in me,” leading to the conviction, Do karma (activity) based on the spiritual wisdom that all is One! Let it be suffused with devotion, humility, love, compassion and nonviolence. If devotion is not filled with spiritual wisdom it will be light as a balloon, which drifts along any gust of wind. Mere wisdom will make your heart dry; devotion makes it soft with sympathy, and karma gives the hands something to do, something that will sanctify your every minute you live. That is why devotion is referred to as upasana which also means ‘dwelling near’, feeling the Presence, and sharing the sweetness of Divinity. The yearning for upasana prompts you to go on pilgrimages, to construct and renovate temples, to consecrate images and offer prescribed worship. All this is karma of a high order; they lead to spiritual wisdom. First, you start with the idea, “I am in the Light.” Then you feel, “The light is in me,” leading to the conviction, “I am the Light.” That is supreme wisdom! That is supreme wisdom!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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