
Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Thought for the Day

Just reflect on this for a minute: How and why did men and women forget their innate Divinity? How did they fall into this delusion of little-ness? Inquire in such manner - then you will know that it must be the result of the mind running after momentary pleasures. What then is the remedy? Mastery over mountains of information has been attained by people now; but wisdom has lagged behind! Hence, your capacity to probe and progress into the realm of the Universal and the Absolute must be developed. The secret to success in this journey is just one word: Worship! Do everything as worship. ‘You become that which you feel (Yat bhavam tat bhavati).’ You can get the feeling for the Divine only if you have a taste of the love of the Divine. Divine incarnates as human (Avatar) to give you a taste of that sweet love so that the yearning for the Lord will be firmly implanted in your heart.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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