
Thursday, February 20, 2020

Thought for the Day

Do not waste your days entertaining worldly desires and ambitions, and planning to achieve them. Success or failure should not elate or depress you. When a banquet is in store for you, why run after the droppings from others’ tables? Keep undimmed before you the main goal, the task for which you have come into this school; do not deviate from it, whatever the attraction that tempts you to stray. Command the mind and regulate your conduct, so that the goal is won. Don’t let the care of the body or the fostering of the family or the demands of pride and pomp overwhelm the call of the spirit for self-expression. The Supreme Reality (Siva), individual (jiva), and subjective world (prakriti) are the three principles that confront you; the world has to be utilised by the individual to attain Siva, which is the fundamental fact in both. Until you get Atmic Bliss, by realising Siva, the world will press on you with its weight and well nigh suffocate you. After that, the world will fall off by itself.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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