
Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Thought for the Day

The Lord will protect in all ways and at all times those who worship Him in complete and uncontaminated devotion (bhakti) — just as a mother protects her infants, a cow saves her calf from danger, and the eyelids guard the eyes effortlessly and automatically. When the infant grows up into an adult, the mother won’t pay so much attention to its safety. So too, the Lord doesn’t pay much attention to the wise one (jnani). The devotee of form (saguna bhakta), like an infant of the Lord, has no strength except the strength of the Lord. For the realized soul (jnani), their own strength is enough. Therefore, until one can rely on one’s own strength, one must be an infant in the Lord’s Hands, as a devotee of the form, right? No one can become a devotee of the formless Supreme (nirguna bhakta) without having been a devotee of the form.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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