
Sunday, March 15, 2020

Thought for the Day

Of the various types of devotion, remembrance of the name (namasmarana) is best. In the Kali yuga, the name is the path for saving oneself. Jayadeva, Gouranga, Thyagaraja, Tukaram, Kabir, Ramdas — all these great devotees attained the Lord through just this one practice. Why speak of a thousand things? Even Prahlada and Dhruva were able to enjoy the sight, touch, and conversation (darshan, sparshan and sambhashana) of the Lord only through repetition of the name, right? There can be no better path to liberation (mukti) than considering the name of the Lord as the very breath of life and, with complete faith in good deeds and thoughts, developing the spirit of service and equal love for all. Instead of this, if one sits in some solitary nook holding the breath, how can one master the innate qualities? How is one to know that one has mastered them?

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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