
Monday, March 2, 2020

Usual ways of life will not lead you towards God. They must be modified through spiritual discipline.

When you are ill or when your mind is immersed in something else, you will not enjoy the taste of food. So also, when the heart is full of ignorance (tamas) or is wayward, you will not experience joy even when you are engaged in remembrance of the name (nama-smarana), devotional singing, recitation of the name (japa), or meditation. The tongue will be sweet as long as there is sugar on it. Likewise, if the pillar of light called devotion continues to burn in the corridor of the heart, there will be no darkness. The heart will be illumined in bliss. A bitter thing on the tongue makes the whole tongue bitter; when the qualities of greed and anger enter the heart, the brightness disappears, darkness dominates the scene, and one becomes the target of countless griefs and losses. Therefore, those who aspire to attain the holy presence of the Lord must acquire certain habits, disciplines, and qualities.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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