Imitation can never become culture. You may wear royal robes and act the role, but through imitation, can you become a king? Imitation is a sign of cowardice, it leads you down, step by step, into frightful consequences. It cannot further one’s progress. Endeavour to uplift yourselves, as yourselves. Be proud that you are Indians (Bharathiyas), children dear to God, be proud of your ancestors. We have much to learn from others, you must learn good things from all. However, never imitate and copy others’ attitudes. We sow seeds in the ground. We provide it with soil, manure, and water. The seed sprouts, becomes a sapling, and grows into a huge tree. It does not become the soil in which it is placed, nor the manure it feeds upon, nor the water it partakes. It only imbibes from each of them whatever it can benefit from them. It grows into what it essentially is, that is, a huge tree! May you grow likewise.
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
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