
Sunday, June 7, 2020

Happiness results not when desires are fulfilled, but when they are controlled

There is a second type of happiness: On account of the impact of external objects on the senses of perception, pleasure mistaken as nectar is aroused. But, in time, the pleasure turns into bitter and unpleasant poison. This is passionate (rajasic) happiness. When one welcomes this passionate sensory pleasure, one’s strength, awareness, intelligence, and enthusiasm to reach the four goals of human endeavour — dharma, wealth (artha), righteous desire (kama), and liberation (moksha) — become weak, because one’s interest declines. The third type of happiness arises from ignorance (tamas). It dulls the intellect from beginning to the end. It finds satisfaction in sleep, slothfulness, and faults, and it derives happiness therefrom. The dull (tamasic) person ignores the path that leads to the awareness of the Atma and pays no attention to it throughout life.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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