
Monday, June 8, 2020

Thought for the Day

There are two kinds of essential reforms (samskara). One is based on the gunas (good qualities) and the other is based on doshas (defects). The first is comparable to watering a fruit-bearing tree, the second is comparable to removing dust from the surface of a mirror. Giving water and manure to a fruit tree in order to get the fruit (of good qualities) may be referred to as the Upasana Khanda (aspect relating to worship). This involves the act of offering pure selfless love to God and thereby seeking Him. To regard our daily work as being related to God is the aspect of Karma Khanda (relating to the path of Karma). The process of removing the impurities from our mind and thereby seeing Atma with the help of Upasana and Karma Khanda is a very essential process. This creates a form for the Atma and gives us bliss of realisation.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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