
Saturday, April 24, 2021

Thought for the Day

There are two points of view that struggle for acceptance by you - the Paramarthika and the Vyavaharika - the spiritual and the worldly, the reality-based and the appearance-based. Imagine you see a snake appearing on the road. In reality, it is only a length of rope. But it appears as a snake and you feel a sense of terror. Your terror does not change the rope into a snake! When you apply light from a torch, you discover that the rope was always a rope! The Universe is what appears; the reality is Divinity, Brahman. When the light of wisdom shines, the Truth is revealed! The Universe is enveloped by Divinity; it is its vesture! Jesus knew that God wills all. So even on the cross, when he suffered agony, he bore no ill-will towards any one and he exhorted those with him to treat all as instruments of His Will. "All are one; be alike to everyone." Practise this attitude in your daily lives.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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