In the quest for mental peace, you should not be concerned only about your individual needs. Apart from such a quest being an index of intense selfishness, it is also a futile one. Is it possible for a single individual alone to achieve peace? If there is chaos and unrest all around you, how can you alone have peace? If there is no peace in the home or in the community, how can you have peace? You cannot be indifferent to the state of the environment in which you live. If you want to achieve peace, you have to see that the atmosphere around you is conducive to peace. This means that you have to cultivate the feeling that your individual peace is intimately related to the peace of the world. It was out of a realisation of this profound truth that the ancients prescribed the universal prayer: "Loka-Samastha-Sukhino Bhavantu" (May all the people in all the worlds be happy).
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
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