
Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Thought for the Day

The body is bound to perish one day or another. The body may die, but not the mind. Such a mind must be controlled. That is true sadhana. You will not have any trouble if you offer your mind to God. The mind is very fickle; not steady even for a minute. So it should be ever engaged in work. Only then it can be brought under control. What work should you assign to the mind? The mind is like a mad monkey. Unless kept busy, it will go according to whims and fancies. The only way to keep a monkey busy is to make it go up and down a pole repeatedly! Let the mind be a watchman at the gate of your nostrils. Let it observe what is going in and coming out. ‘So’ is inhaled and ‘Ham’ is exhaled. ‘So’ symbolises good (Divinity) and ‘Ham’ stands for that which is bad (ego). Then, the mind will understand that Divinity must be taken in and the ego must be given up!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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