1.Wherever you look, God is present there. Whomsoever you see, God is in him. God has no particular form; all forms are His. That is why the Vedas declare Sahasra Seersha Purusha Sahasraksha Sahasra Pad (The Cosmic Being has thousands of heads, eyes and feet). When you sit for meditation, do not allow the mind to waver; always keep it steady. Do not develop differences amongst yourselves as controversies give rise to many troubles. Even if anybody makes you angry, do not fight with them; understand that when you quarrel, you actually harm yourself. Also control your thoughts. All these are the qualities of a truly educated person. This is called Educare. Along with education, you should also have Educare, for this will grant you health, happiness, peace and prosperity. Everything will become good to you if you make your heart pure.
2.No one can escape delusion; no matter how scholarly one may be. As a result of this delusion man is subjected to grief, and this grief acts as a brake upon activity. Arjuna the great hero, capable of immense renunciation and wisdom, was deluded by the awful needs of war. The grief therefrom handicapped his activity. He confused the body and the self; he imposed on the Atma, (ever untouched by the characteristics of the moving and changing world) the unreal and ephemeral nature of the world and believed this delusion to be true. This is the tragedy not of Arjuna alone, but of all humanity! That is why the Bhagavad Geetha is of universal and eternal value. To study it, is to learn the art of swimming across the sea of delusion. The fact that Geetha has provided consolation and liberation to millions is itself evidence of its Divine origin.
3.When one has attained the state of realising Divinity in every being, when every instrument of knowledge brings the experience of that Divinity and when It alone is seen, heard, tasted, smelt and touched, man undoubtedly becomes a part of the Body of God and lives in Him and with Him. This path is not laid down or recommended for the extraordinary among men alone. It is within the reach of all, for all have the hunger for God. When this duty to your own progress is taken up, you will get a new strength at the very first step; you will experience a new and purer joy; you will be refreshed by a new holiness. Therefore each person should pursue one's own dharma (individual duty). You should plan your life according to the spiritual foundations of your culture and listen to the voice of God.
4.Consider the place and situation in which the Geetha was delivered; therein lies the significance of this discourse. On one side were the forces of good (Dharma) and on the other, that of evil (adharma); caught between these two, and unable to decide which course to adopt, Arjuna weeps in despair. This was not just his dilemma; it is a universal human problem. Arjuna did not seek from Krishna the pleasing, worldly glory of power, status and wealth (Preyas) – he sought the lasting glory of full joy (Sreyas). Arjuna said to Krishna, "Preyas can be won by human activity or Karma. Why should I crave from You what I can win by my own endeavour? Grant me Sreyas, for it is not the fruit of action (Karma), but the fruit of grace!" Thus the lord gave the Geetha for all those who li ke Arjuna rise to the height of absolute self-surrender (Prapaththi or Saranagathi).
5.There are three types of surrender (Saranagathi). The first one is Thavai-vaaham, where the devotee affirms “I am Yours” , the second is Mamai-vathwam, where one asserts “You are mine” and the last is, Thwame-vaaham which means “You and I are one.” Each is a step that leads to the other and the last is the ultimate state. In the first stage, Thav-eva-aham, the Lord is completely free and the devotee is fully bound. Just like the cat and the kitten - the cat shifts the new born kitten about, as it wills; the kitten just mews and accepts whatever happens. This attitude is very gentle and is within easy reach of everyone. In the second, Mama-eva-thwam, the devotee binds the Lord in his heart and the Lord willingly remains bound. A devotee can tie up the Lord with Prema (love) that overwhelms and overpowers one’s own egoism. When one has this type of devotion (Bhakthi), the grace of the Lord fulfills every single need of the devotee.
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba