
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Thought for the Day

Once a merchant asked a sailor how his grandfather and father had met their end. It seems they both had died on the sea. So the merchant asked the sailor whether he was not afraid of sailing on the sea. The sailor then asked the merchant where his forefathers had died. He was told that they had all died in bed. Now the sailor asked the merchant how he was not afraid of going to bed! Everyone’s life shall come to an end somewhere, somehow; but the wise alone achieve the Divine Vision before the end. If you have the cool spring of devotion within you, the fires of anxiety cannot harm you. Then, every visit of calamity will take on a new meaning, as a sign of Grace, to harden and toughen you, and make you seasoned timber, for His purpose. Be an instrument in the hands of God; let Him use you for any purpose He prefers.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Thought for the Day

Illness is caused more by malnutrition of the mind than of the body. As doctors speak of vitamin deficiency, I will present the root-cause in similar lines as ‘Deficiency of Vitamin G’. To cure this, I will recommend the repetition of any Name of God, along with contemplation of His Glory and Grace of God. That is the medicine to overcome the Vitamin G deficiency. Regulated life and habits are two-thirds of the treatment while medicine contributes to one-third. Every one of you must reveal the qualities of love, humility, detachment and contentment through all your actions. When your mind is unattached to the ups and downs of life, but is able to maintain equanimity under all circumstances, your physical health will be excellent.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Thought for the Day

The scriptures point out the means of securing everlasting joy, but people are drawn to earn shadowy joys and fleeting pleasures that are fraught with evil and harm. They are trying to draw water with a pot full of holes. The senses leak out the joy they draw. The senses are wild untutored servants who dictate terms to their master – the mind. The mind has to be brought under your grip. Then the servants will fawn at your feet. The mind is the monarch; the senses are the soldiers; the soldiers are now ruling the king, because he lends his ears to them and not the intellect, who is the Prime Minister. Let your intellect take charge. The light of the Sun (your Soul) is obstructed by the thick clouds of desire for sense objects and objective pleasure. Let the strong wind of repentance and resolution scatter these clouds, so that the Aatma may shine forth brilliantly.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

With a little reasoning you can know for yourself the path you need to take, thereafter, it can be trodden step by step until the goal is reached. Whatever be the path, retain this knowledge that attachment causes pain and detachment results in joy. But you cannot easily detach yourself from activity; the mind clings to something or other. Make it cling to God, let it do all things for God and leave the success or failure, the loss and the profit, the elation or the dejection, to God. Then you have the secret of peace and contentment. To get this attitude of surrender and dedication, you must have Faith in God. God, whose play this world is. This world is not an empty dream; it has a purpose and use. It is the means by which one can discover God. See Him in the beauty, the grandeur, the order and the majesty of Nature.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

In the Geetha, Krishna said to Arjuna, “I am the witness; through Me, this conglomeration of the five elements called Universe, all these moveable and immoveable objects, are formed. Whatever the name or form worshiped, I am the Recipient; for I am the Goal of all. I am the only One. There is no Other. I Myself become the Worshipped, through My many Names and Forms. Not only this, I am the Fruit of all actions, the Bestower of the Fruit, and the Prompter. To realise Me is indeed liberation. He is the Jivanmuktha (liberated even while alive) who attains that realisation. Arjuna, if one yearns to become a Jivanmuktha, one has to eradicate fully the attachment to the body.”

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

To be born as a human being is a great piece of luck. For human beings alone can attain the status of the Divine by recognizing the reality of one’s being. No beast or bird can reach that height of realization. It would be very tragic if instead of valuing the chance and utilizing it, it is frittered here and there and dies without realizing the inner light. You are born as a consequence of the activities you were engaged in, in your past births. Understand that in spiritual matters, faith is the basic requisite for progress. Your faith must be guarded carefully. Yield to the Lord, who is more kin to you than your own parents. Yield to no other. Do not allow your faith to falter with every passing gust of wind. Your duty is to carry on your spiritual practices, undisturbed by what others may say, holding fast to the crucible of your own experience.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Ram

Saturday, August 25, 2012

For many illnesses, filling the mind with thoughts of God is the curative drug

Often we read reports that the number of patients treated are increasing year after year. This is worrisome. Illnesses are caused not so much by the food people eat or the conditions in which they live, but by mental weakness and attitudes, prejudices and predilections. Desires, disappointments, despair – these also cause diseases. For many illnesses, filling the mind with thoughts of God is the curative drug. For others, regimented diet, sleep, appropriate pastimes and activities are effective cures. The scriptures taught this regimen and the proper mental attitudes, and these teachings are invaluable in the present context. Remember, ‘Mitha Thindi, Athi Haayi’ – Moderate food gives excellent health. Eat to live – Do not believe that you live in order to eat.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Most people spend the lifetime allotted to them or earned by them in partaking of rich yet harmful foods and drink and indulge in glamorous, harmful pastimes. What a pathetic waste of precious stuff! Though belonging to the animal kingdom, human beings have much more in terms of physical, mental and moral abilities. They have the glorious chance of visualizing their identity with the Mystery that is manifested as this Universe. Human beings forgetting their nature to progress towards Godhood is akin to fire forgetting its capacity to burn or water its nature to wet. Every human being has the capacity to seek and secure the Truth of the Universe of which they are a part of; they have the wherewithal to train themselves in virtue, justice, love and sympathy to escape from the particular to the Universal.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

A boat may be a small appliance, but it can take you across the river. A lamp may be a tiny device, but it can light your path across a jungle. A torch may illumine only a distance of two yards, and you may have to go two miles. Do not despair. What is required is your persistent effort! Hold the torch in your hand and walk on. With every step, the torch will illumine a few steps more and you can safely cross the two miles. But you must walk, without sitting idle by the roadside. Make the effort, move from one stage to another listening to God’s Glory, recapitulate His sweet messages and concentrate on Him. Let your every act be saturated with devotion. Devotion should not be something that adds spice to your life – it truly must be the very breath of your life. Devotion should inspire your every act, thought and word.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Monday, August 20, 2012

Thought for the Day

Today, your mind flies about anywhere and squats on all sundry objects in the Universe. Like the fly that sits on fair and foul, your mind too flees from one thought to another. The fly will be destroyed if it sits on fire. So too, your mind will be destroyed when it dwells on God. Know that your mind is but a pattern of desires, woven with the warp and woof of the same material. When Rama (God) enters your mind, kama (desire) flees away. This state is called the death of the mind (Mano-naashana) or the merging of your mind (Mano-laya). Each one of you must make your own heart an abode of peace (Prashanthi Nilayam). Analyse your words, deeds and thoughts. Get rid, slowly but surely, of the evil ones that harm you and others. Cultivate fortitude, firm peace and speak only the truth. Let this transformation begin, this very moment in you!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Housing, clothing and food gives physical comfort and happiness. Education, development of skills, and knowledge about the world gives a means for livelihood. However the ancient adage says that real and lasting happiness cannot be won by physical happiness (“Na Sukhaat labhathe sukham”). Lasting happiness – happiness that will not be shaken, diminished or modified by changing wheels of fortune can only come by the discipline of the mind, and faith in a Higher Power. The lamp of spiritual awareness has to be lit and fed continuously, so that one’s footsteps can take that path and proceed unharmed to that state of true happiness.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathy Sai Baba

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Thought for the Day

The various forms of wisdom one acquires are all useful at some stage or the other of one’s spiritual development. But by none of them can one escape the cycle of birth and death! Anubhavajnan, the knowledge that you yourself experience, alone can set you free. The teacher can be of some help in the process, but cannot show you your real self. You have to visualise it yourself! For this one must be steeped in earnestness. Sincerity is essential even for the performance of the smallest act in the world – be it a human being, bird, beast, worm, or a virus - all have to be earnest to succeed in their tasks. When there is no earnestness in the act, there will be no fruit. And also one has to be free from vices like envy. The person who has faith in that Wisdom, who is devoted to acquire it, and is full of yearning to earn it, will surely realise God.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Ram

Friday, August 17, 2012

Thought for the Day

Humans are the most devalued entities today; everything else has steeply risen in value. People consider themselves cheap as they do not know their own greatness or worth. For they fritter away their time in paltry activities and petty pleasures, lowering their self-respect and injuring their physical and mental calibre. They do not know the alchemy by which every failure or disappointment can be transmuted into a golden chance for self-surrender and for building up the bulwark of devotion. Learn how to elevate the smallest act of yours into a means of realising the Grace of the Lord. The scriptures declare that this can be achieved by worshipping the lord by dedicating one's duties to Him.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Thought for the Day

In Truth (Sathya), there is no illusion (Mithya). But in the illusory world you have to search for Truth and experience it. This you can achieve only if you rid your mind of all modifications and modulations. Let it be like the sky, which does not bear any mark, though millions of birds fly through it and thousands of planes move across it. Let your mind be unattached, untouched and unaffected. This is the spiritual discipline that will reveal the Reality and ensure you both physical and mental equanimity.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

The same current activates all. To realise this and to merge in that Unity is the purpose of this life in the human body. For this consummation, the seeds of attachment to sense objects has to be scrupulously got rid of. A field may look barren and dead, but the first shower of rain will convert it into a green carpet. The seeds of grass in the soil sprout at the touch of dampness. So too, at the first contact with temptation, the seeds of attachment to sense objects sprout and prevent spiritual growth. Spiritual practices must be done sincerely, with a full sense of responsibility. It must not be reduced to empty routine. Realize that to visualize the Lord as the resident in all and as responsible for everything is the hallmark of devotion.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Bharath does not relate to any particular individual or country

From the most ancient times Bharatiyas (Indians) considered Truth as God, loved it, fostered it and protected it and thereby achieved Divinity. They were devoted to Truth, wedded to Dharma (Righteousness) and regarded morality in society as their foremost duty. Today because people have forgotten Truth and Righteousness they are unable to solve national problems or end communal differences. We have the Bay of Bengal in the east and the Arabian Sea in the west and both merge in the Indian Ocean. Likewise, Bharat exemplifies the combination of worldly prosperity and spiritual progress. Bharat is the country, where the unity of the Jiva (the individual Spirit) and the Brahmam (the Cosmic Spirit) was established. Remember the term Bharat does not relate to any particular individual or country. True Bharatiyas are those who take delight in Self-knowledge. Hence anyone who shines by their own self-luminous power is a Bharatiya.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Thought for the Day

If the mind is immersed in bliss, the body will not suffer from illness. The human body is the vehicle which you have to use for attaining the state of bliss, and so it has to be kept safe and strong for that noble purpose. It is an instrument for spiritual effort, which has been earned by the merit of previous births. Every moment, the body is speedily proceeding towards dissolution, and so time should not be wasted in vain pursuits. Do not get attached to the body; treat it as a wound, which has to be covered by bandage (clothes), treated with drugs (food) and also washed regularly. Then you can get rid of the inordinate attachment, and this is essential because only then will you get the true urge and inspiration to serve others!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Monday, August 13, 2012

Thought for the Day

Schooling is not merely for food and delight, for earning a living and to enjoy leisure. Its true purpose should be to activate the qualities of wisdom in action, non-attachment and discriminatory power (Viveka, Vairaagya and Vichakshana). The root is education and the fruit should be virtues. Every school must shape its students into citizens, worthy of the country’s precious heritage and spiritual wealth. Otherwise, all schooling is a waste of time and money. Schools are the temples of the Goddess of Wisdom who grants to each child the wisdom to grasp the Ultimate Truth and acquire knowledge that will dispel ignorance for ever. The school must facilitate this and ensure stability in all the students to practice the virtues of Truth, Righteousness and Peace, through the blossoming of Love.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Why waste precious time in scandalous talk and criticisms of others' behaviour?

In the Geetha when Arjuna posed the question, “What exactly is the benefit of attaining You?” Krishna smiled and replied, "Arjuna! What greater benefit is there than attaining union with God? This holy victory makes one a Mahatma. While a normal person is established in body consciousness, and is tossed about every day by joy and grief, the Mahatmas are free from all dual experiences and are ever joyful. They are above and beyond. They are pure in heart and have no further birth and death. They have released themselves from identity with the particularised; they become the Universal, Eternal, Changeless. They are neither dull nor driven about by desire. They are unaffected by attachment or hate.”

Why waste precious time in scandalous talk and criticisms of others' behaviour? Cultivating envy, malice, hatred and anger against others is an evil pastime that recoils on oneself. In every one there is resident the self-same divine spark; so cavilling at the neighbour is tantamount to cavilling at Divinity. The game of life is worth playing and becomes interesting only when there are bounds and rules which limit and control. Imagine a game of football without any rules or boundaries – it will be chaos; it will be a free fight, a riot. No one can say who wins and how. The path of virtuous conduct (Dharma maarga) is the boundary of the field, in the game of life. Play the game, paying heed to the warnings of ‘foul’ and ‘out’, and let your virtues win over the vicious tendencies within you.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba


Janmashtami is the sacred day which marks the auspicious arrival of the Advent of the Formless, Nameless, and Timeless Absolute into a Living and Loving Form. The Divine appeared as Krishna to charm humanity through His pranks, His play, His song and sweetness and to instruct mankind through His teachings and grace. What one has to do on this auspicious day is to dwell on the elevating thoughts centering round the Lord in this form and take the first or further steps in the spiritual path. Use such sacred days as starting points for propitiating the Form of Godhead which you have chosen for offering homage, the Form which appeals to your innermost yearnings. Do not ascribe evil to any day. Every day is good when you spend it for God. Every star is good, provided its light guides your feet to God. This is My advice to you, this day.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

The Universe is saturated with Divinity; there is nothing here which is not Divine. Always remember that God is the Base as well as the Superstructure, the inner motive and the outer movement. The body is the temple of the Lord; the atmosphere of this temple is by its very nature filled with love for all beings. The scriptures clearly declare that this understanding can be achieved through performing one’s duty, and then worshipping the Lord by dedicating to Him this duty. One’s intelligence is cleared of the dust of doubt and delusion, through dutifulness and dedication.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Friday, August 10, 2012

Thought for the Day

The Lord does not ask you for penance or asceticism. He only wants that your mind be fixed on Him. Devote and dedicate your mind to God. If you plead that you have not the strength of mind to do this, ask yourself, where from comes the strength to dedicate yourself as you do now to hollow ideals and vain fantasies of family, fortune and fame? Can you not use this strength for that supreme dedication? People easily offer their all to poisonous objective pleasures, but squirm and protest when the call is made to dedicate their thoughts, feelings and acts to the Almighty! Those who are prompted by genuine desire for the fruit must overcome all obstacles and temptations, doubts and disappointments, and dwell on the thoughts of the Lord. Then the Lord will confer on you the blessing of Union.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

In the path of devotion, for those who bargain and crave for profit, reverence is equated with returns; they sell homage at so much per unit of satisfactory response. They calculate how much they are able to extract, like paid servants clamouring for wages, overtime allowances, bonuses and so on. One must be a member of God’s family, a kinsman, a friend of God. You must feel that you are the Lord’s very own. Then your work will not be tiring, you will be able to carry it out in a better manner and it will yield more satisfaction too. In return the Lord Himself will maintain you in bliss. Leave the rest to Him. He knows Best. The joy of having Him is enough reward. This is the secret of human happiness. Live out your lives on these lines and you will never come to grief.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thursday, August 9, 2012

You should be grateful to your parents.

You should be grateful to your parents. They gave you the body and fostered the intelligence and love that are embedded in it – so gratitude is their due. Everyday they pray for your health and wellbeing; they pray that you earn a good name. If you do not honour them who are your living Gods, how can you learn to honour the Almighty, the Creator of all? Parents are the ones that reveal to you the glory of God and the means of worshipping Him. They are the first representatives of authority a child meets, the authority executed through love and care. Learn to submit yourselves to them and you will learn how to submit to the Lord. You must conduct and behave in a manner that your parents are happy. That is your duty and it is only when you fulfill this duty, you are blessed by God.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Mahabharatha war is not a chapter in ancient history- it is taking place in every human heart between the forces of good and evil.

The Lord reveals Himself through the scriptures. The Bhagavad Geetha is one text from where you can get a complete picture of the nature and characteristics of Avatars (Divine incarnations). The Lord acts as a friend, companion, charioteer, teacher, guide and guardian of His devotees. The Mahabharatha war is not a chapter in ancient history – it is taking place in every human heart between the forces of good and evil. The one who recognizes the value of installing the Lord as his charioteer is certain to win. Others fail to foil the forces of evil and succumb to it. Accept the Lord as your Master. Surrender all activities to Him, dedicate your words and deeds and thoughts to Him as flowers at His Feet – In the Geetha, To the one who surrenders, the Lord assures: ”I shall Liberate You”; He assuages, “Do not grieve”. 

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai baba

Friday, August 3, 2012

Thought for the Day

When the anguish of a devotee’s heart is expressed as a cry, a groan or a sigh, the Lord rushes to the rescue; the Lord is only as far as that sound of despair can reach. He is always on the alert to listen to the cry and call of His children. His residence is within the hearing distance of every cry, from every grief stricken heart. Remember, the Lord is devoid of attachment and hatred. It is His nature to support, nurture and protect the right and admonish the wrong. He is ever focussed, to restore to human beings the vision to turn their footsteps along the path of morality and self-control, so they may attain Self-knowledge.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Keep the young hearts soft

Steady practice will ensure you both results - freedom from sin and liberation. Never underestimate the importance and power of practice! You would have known examples of how practice makes even an animal execute difficult tasks – for example, look at the horses yoked to the carts, elephants on the battlefield! Those elephants have rendered assistance in battle which even man with the superior equipment of reason cannot do! Consider how this was made possible for docile elephants living in forests as herds? Fighting on the battlefield is not their nature. These are ample proof of the value of practice. Draw strength and confidence in the value of practice. Practice the withdrawal of the mind from the senses; it will slowly and steadily develop the skills which will release you from bondage.

The human heart when young is very soft. It responds to grief and pain in fellow beings. It is the example of elders, the lessons they receive from parents, the company they get into, and the wrong training they receive in school and society that harden their hearts into stone. Parents must not find fault with others in the vicinity of children or show their hatred or envy before their tender minds. Children should be taught to share the grief and joy of others; and to be never jealous of others happiness or success. Instead of giving room to the feeling of envy, teach them to emulate the hard work of the successful, to pray for intelligence, or for a sharper memory. Keep those young hearts soft.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Character of children must be made strong and pure.

The character of children must be made strong and pure. Give them all the confidence and courage they need, to become good, honest and self-reliant. It is not enough if they learn to make a living - the manner of living is more important than the standard of living. Children must also be taught to have reverence towards their religion, culture and to educational attainments. Children must learn well their mother tongue, so they can appreciate the great poetical works and epics written by the seers of their land. These will give them valuable guidance during the stormy days of their life. Above all, they must develop a deep reverence for their motherland.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba