
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Thought for the Day

The same current activates all. To realise this and to merge in that Unity is the purpose of this life in the human body. For this consummation, the seeds of attachment to sense objects has to be scrupulously got rid of. A field may look barren and dead, but the first shower of rain will convert it into a green carpet. The seeds of grass in the soil sprout at the touch of dampness. So too, at the first contact with temptation, the seeds of attachment to sense objects sprout and prevent spiritual growth. Spiritual practices must be done sincerely, with a full sense of responsibility. It must not be reduced to empty routine. Realize that to visualize the Lord as the resident in all and as responsible for everything is the hallmark of devotion.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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