
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Thought for the Day

To be born as a human being is a great piece of luck. For human beings alone can attain the status of the Divine by recognizing the reality of one’s being. No beast or bird can reach that height of realization. It would be very tragic if instead of valuing the chance and utilizing it, it is frittered here and there and dies without realizing the inner light. You are born as a consequence of the activities you were engaged in, in your past births. Understand that in spiritual matters, faith is the basic requisite for progress. Your faith must be guarded carefully. Yield to the Lord, who is more kin to you than your own parents. Yield to no other. Do not allow your faith to falter with every passing gust of wind. Your duty is to carry on your spiritual practices, undisturbed by what others may say, holding fast to the crucible of your own experience.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Ram

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