a little reasoning you can know for yourself the path you need to take,
thereafter, it can be trodden step by step until the goal is reached.
Whatever be the path, retain this knowledge that attachment causes pain
and detachment results in joy. But you cannot easily detach yourself
from activity; the mind clings to something or other. Make it cling to
God, let it do all things for God and leave the success or failure, the
loss and the profit, the elation or the dejection, to God. Then you
have the secret of peace and contentment. To get this attitude of
surrender and dedication, you must have Faith in God. God, whose play
this world is. This world is not an empty dream; it has a purpose and
use. It is the means by which one can discover God. See Him in the
beauty, the grandeur, the order and the majesty of Nature.
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
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