
Saturday, August 25, 2012

For many illnesses, filling the mind with thoughts of God is the curative drug

Often we read reports that the number of patients treated are increasing year after year. This is worrisome. Illnesses are caused not so much by the food people eat or the conditions in which they live, but by mental weakness and attitudes, prejudices and predilections. Desires, disappointments, despair – these also cause diseases. For many illnesses, filling the mind with thoughts of God is the curative drug. For others, regimented diet, sleep, appropriate pastimes and activities are effective cures. The scriptures taught this regimen and the proper mental attitudes, and these teachings are invaluable in the present context. Remember, ‘Mitha Thindi, Athi Haayi’ – Moderate food gives excellent health. Eat to live – Do not believe that you live in order to eat.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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