
Thursday, December 13, 2012

Be steady, make a firm resolution

You can feel the presence of God, in the depth of silence. In the excitement, clutter and confusion of the marketplace, you cannot hear His gentle footsteps. He resounds with clarity, when all is filled with silence. Hence I insist on silence, practice of soft speech and minimum sound. Talk little, talk in whispers, sweet and true. When you want to place a heavy thing on the ground, place it with care, do not drop it and create noise around you. Bend a little, keep it softly and gently on the floor with care. Similarly examine each and every act of yours and see to it that you execute it softly and silently. Transact all dealings with minimum speech and eliminate noise. Do not shout to persons standing far, go near them or beckon them to approach you. Loud noise is a sacrilege on the sky, just as there are sacrilegious uses of earth and water.

Be steady, make a firm resolution. Do not commit one fault or take a false step and then repent. Be very intentional, faithful to your resolve, every single day. Before you act, deliberate and make a decision. That is better than taking a weak step and regretting and losing the way. In the Mahabharatha, Arjuna had the foresight to pause and think about the consequences of the war even before the battle began. So he asked Lord Krishna to advise and guide him. Hence, take every step in spiritual practice, or in your day to day affairs, only after deep deliberation and satisfying yourself that it will be for your good and well-being. Reason out, discriminate; do not rush to conclusions or be led away by mere hearsay.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba 

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