your life such that, in posterity, people will remember you
with gratitude and joy. To lead a good life, constant
prompting from the Lord within you will be of great help.
That inspiration can be got only by constantly reciting the
Lord’s Name and calling on the inner springs of
Divinity. The Lord’s Name is such a valuable
instrument to win His Grace, to realize His Presence, to
picture His Form and to remember His Glory. Repeating it
from the depths of the heart, even once in the morning and
once in the evening, will make your house, a home
(griham) instead of a cave (guha). Senses
are the windows, which when left open, make the lamp of the
Name of God unsteady. Keep your senses away from the
negative influences and concentrate on the Name of the
Lord, its beauty and sweetness.
The glory of the Divine - the richness,
fullness, extent and the depth of Divine experience has to
be experienced. It cannot be expressed through any amount of
words or plays. You must feel that it is your highest
destiny to acquire that experience. You are not a despicable
creature, born in slime or sin to eke out a drab existence
and be extinguished. You are a mixture of the mortal and
immortal (Deha and Deva).
Liberation is the means to be free from grief and live in
joy. And it is easy to accomplish this. All you need to do
is to place all your burdens on God. That will make you
carefree, and griefless. Take everything as a Divine Play of
the Lord you adore and love. No matter whatever happens clap
your hands in bliss and joy, for all is His Divine Play and
you can be as happy as He is, for His plans are working, and
they are for your highest good!
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
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