
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Rise up, strengthen your detachment and establish yourself in discrimination, then your goal is brought nearer.

In the present, practice of devotion, worship and rituals are for the sake of better comforts and more luxury for the individuals themselves. Devotion has degenerated into a business deal. Often one prays, “Please give me this, I shall give You so much.” If they feel one shrine promises more, the current shrine is given up. If even in the new shrine, one does not get quick returns, then they quickly look elsewhere to some ‘other’ God who gives more profit! Many people wander in this manner. Some also think, “If I stand amongst many others, God will not notice me. I must stand in a unique position and shout to attract His attention!” Do not behave foolishly! Hold fast to noble ideals. Do not try to bring down the Almighty to your limited vision. Rise up, strengthen your detachment and establish yourself in discrimination, then your goal is brought nearer.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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