
Saturday, February 9, 2013

Thought for the Day

A person once told Dr. Johnson, the famous English thinker, that he could seldom get time to recite the Name of God, what with the hundreds of things he had to do from morning till nightfall and even far into the night. Dr. Johnson replied with another question. He asked how millions of people found space to live upon the face of the earth, which is two-thirds water and the rest is too full of mountains, deserts, forests, icy regions, river beds, marshes and similar impossible areas. The questioner said that man somehow struggled to find living space. So too, said Dr. Johnson, man must somehow find a few minutes a day for prayer to the Lord. Keep the Name and Form of your choice ever in your consciousness. The Name must be as constant as breathing. And for this, practice is essential.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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