
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Thiought for the Day

You must be convinced that 'you' are but the shadow of the Absolute. Of course, it is only at the end of a long and systematic process of Sadhana (spiritual efforts) that you will reach and stay fixed in the state of that Truth; until then, you are likely to identify yourself with this body and forget that the body which casts a shadow is itself a shadow. The first step in that Sadhana is the adherence to Dharma (righteousness) in every individual and social act. The Dharma which is followed in relation to the objective world will automatically lead on to Dharma in the spiritual field also; only you must stick to it through thick and thin. Steadfastness is needed in the path of Righteousness. That alone is the sign of true surrender.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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