The Lord
has declared in the Geetha, “Mama
maaya” or “My illusion”. This implies
that the world is His handiwork, His Divine sport &
glory (leela & mahima). It is devised
as a training ground, an inspiration for those who desire
to see Him, Who is its Source, Director, & Master. Once
you see the world as the stage for His play, then you will
no longer be misled, nor distracted, nor deceived by any
tricks or stage effects. From illusion, you must get
interested in the Author, the Master. The play is real only
as long as it lasts, when you are in the theatre. So too,
the world is just a mirage! A mirage does not originate
from rain. It will not reach any lake or sea. It was not
there before the sunrise, nor will it be there after the
sunset. It is just an intervening phenomenon, it is best
left alone! So too, God truly is more real than the world,
this is the essence of Indian scriptures.
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
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