
Monday, March 25, 2013

Thought for the Day

There is no use arguing and quarrelling amongst you. Examine, experience and then you will know the truth. Be silent when you are still undecided or engaged in evaluating. Do not proclaim before you are convinced. Of course, you must discard all evil in you before you can attempt to evaluate the mystery. When faith dawns, it is very important to fence it with discipline and self-control. Just as the tender sapling is guarded with a fence to protect against the goats and cattle; you too should stay away from the motley crowd of cynics and unbelievers. When your faith grows into a big tree, those very cattle which wanted to eat the young plant now lay and rest in the shade of the tree which has spread with lots of branches and leaves.
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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