
Friday, December 18, 2015

There is only one wish fit to be entertained by the aspirant: the realisation of the Lord(Iswara Sakshatkara). There is no room in the mind for any other wish.

The one steady in wisdom stands closest in the company of the Lord. - Baba
The attitude of the worshiper and the worshiped is the seed of devotion (bhakthi). First, the worshiper’s mind is attracted by the special qualities of the object of worship. The worshiper tries to acquire these special qualities. This is spiritual discipline (sadhana).In the early stages of spiritual discipline, the distinction between worshiper and worshiped is full, but as the spiritual discipline progresses, this feeling diminishes and, when attainment is reached, there is no distinction whatsoever. Irrespective of the object of worship one has grasped, loved and sought by spiritual discipline, one should have firm faith that the individual self (jivatma) is the supreme Lord (Paramatma). There is only one wish fit to be entertained by the aspirant: the realisation of the Lord(Iswara Sakshatkara). There is no room in the mind for any other wish.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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