
Monday, February 29, 2016

Thought for the Day

It is said, “The proper study of mankind is man”. You should cultivate the qualities of kindness and compassion. Only then does one deserve the title of human. You are not only people, but humanity! Today people use the word mankind or humanity without understanding its real meaning. One can rise to the level of the divine only if you develop virtues. God is not somewhere else, you are God. You are not different from God if you have a pure heart. God is the eternal charioteer, who is always present in your heart. He is only a charioteer and not the owner; you are the owner. Lord Krishna is called  Partha sarathi because He became the charioteer (Sarathi) of Arjuna (Partha). Similarly, when you develop purity of heart and sacred feelings, God will be your charioteer and take you on the right path. Therefore choose God as your charioteer and lead an ideal life.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Irrespective of whatever inconveniences you may encounter, you must continue your spiritual practices with the same discipline. The smarana (remembrance) of the Name of the Lord you cherish should go on. Your chosen Name must not give you the slightest feeling of dislike or apathy. If the Name is changed frequently, concentration is impossible, and your mind will not attain one-pointedness, which is the goal of all spiritual disciplines. Avoid constant adoption and rejection of Lord’s Names. Be convinced that all Names and Forms are the same name and form that you adore. Take all worldly losses, sufferings, and worries as merely temporal and transitory, and realise that repetition of the Name and meditation is only to overcome such grief. You must understand that loss, suffering, and worry are external, they belong to this world, while repetition of the Name and meditation are internal, they belong to the realm of the love for the Lord. 

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Thought for the Day

“The world is impermanent. Birth is a misery. Old age is a misery. Be careful!" says a Sanskrit poem. As long as you are alive, everyone would seem to love the body. This is for purely selfish reasons. God alone is utterly selfless. Love God and lead your normal lives; there is nothing wrong in this. Whatever you do, treat it as an offering to God. See God in everyone. Don't have ill will towards anyone. Do not have excessive attachment for anyone. Direct all attachment towards God. Love all. Do not rely on anyone except God. Realise the impermanence of the body and place your trust solely in God. Seek refuge in Him. What is most needed today in this Kali age is faith. As often as possible, when you get the chance, meditate on God. Earn the esteem of society through sincere service. That will ensure a good future for you.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Thought for the Day

Above all, it is best that the Sadhaka under all circumstances should be joyful, smiling and enthusiastic. Even more than Bhakthi and Jnana(Devotion and Wisdom), this pure attitude is desirable. Those who have acquired it deserve to reach the goal first. This quality of joy at all times is the fruit of the good done in past births. When a person is ever worried, depressed and doubting, he can never attain bliss, whatever spiritual practices or Sadhana one may undertake. The first task of a spiritual aspirant is the cultivation of enthusiasm. Through that enthusiasm, he can derive any variety of Ananda. Never get inflated when you are praised; never get deflated when you are blamed. Be a spiritual lion, regardless of both. One must analyse and correct one's faults on his own; this is most important.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Thought for the Day

In this vast world, every living being desires happiness that is eternal. Where can we attain this happiness from? Beauty is happiness, and happiness is the nectarous essence of life. Which objects are beautiful in this world? A number of objects attract people in various ways. You think it is the beauty of the objects that attracts. But beauty is temporary, whether it is in human beings, birds, animals, or things. For example, this is a rose. It looks so beautiful. Its beauty gives happiness. But how long will its beauty last? It may be there till today or Tomorrow Thereafter all its petals will fall down and it will lose its shine. When it loses its beauty, it will no longer give you happiness. Thus in this world, you cannot find permanent beauty and permanent happiness. Only God is permanent in this world; the rest is temporary like passing clouds. Everlasting happiness can be attained only from God.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Thought for the Day

Expansion is the keynote of education. The first step for this expansion is the home, where you must revere and please your parents who gave you this chance to live and learn. If you ill-treat them or inflict grief on their minds, how can you ever gladden others by service and understanding? You know that when a balloon is blown, it bursts and the air inside it merges with the vast limitless expanse outside. So too your love must fill your home and your society, and finally burst even those bonds and become worldwide. A drop of water held in the palm evaporates soon; it is very solitary. But drop it into the sea - it survives! It assumes the name, the majesty and the might of a sea! Cultivate the seeds of love in all hearts!  

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

It is not the nature of a spiritual aspirant to search for faults in others and hide their own. If your faults are pointed out to you by someone, don’t argue and try to prove that you were right, and don’t bear a grudge against them for it. Reason out within yourself how it is a fault and set right your own behaviour. Rationalising it for your own satisfaction or wreaking vengeance on the person who pointed it out —these should not be the traits of a spiritual aspirant or devotee. The spiritual aspirant must always seek the truthful and joyful, and must avoid all thoughts of the untrue, sad and depressing. Depression, doubt, conceit — these are as detrimental as Rahu and Kethu (evil planetary influences) to the spiritual aspirant. They will harm one’s spiritual practice. When your devotion is well established, these can be easily discarded if they appear. Above all, you must be joyful, smiling, and enthusiastic under all circumstances.
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Monday, February 22, 2016

Thought for the Day

Love is Divine. Love all, impart your love even to those who lack love. Love is like a mariner's compass. Wherever you may keep it, it points the way to God. In every action in daily life manifest your love. Divinity will emerge from that love. This is the easiest path to God-realization. But why aren't people taking to it? This is because they are obsessed with misconception relating to the means of experiencing God. They regard God as some remote entity attainable only by arduous spiritual practices. God is everywhere. There is no need to search for God. All that you see is a manifestation of the Divine. All the human beings you see are forms of the Divine. Correct your defective vision and you will experience God in all things. Speak lovingly, act lovingly, think with love and do every action with a love-filled heart.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Thought for the Day

Every person is liable to commit mistakes without being aware of it. However bright the fire or light, some smoke will emanate from it. So also, whatever good deed a person might do, mixed with it will be a minute trace of evil. But efforts should be made to ensure that the evil is minimised, that the good is more and the bad is less. Naturally in the present atmosphere, you may not succeed in the very first attempt. You must carefully think over the consequences of whatever you do, talk, or execute. In whatever way you want others to honour you, or to love you, or to behave with you, in the same way you should first behave with others, and love and honour them. Then only will those honour you. Instead without yourself honouring and loving others, if you complain that they are not treating you properly, it is surely a wrong conclusion.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Thought for the Day

Young age is like a delicious fruit. You should offer this sweet and delicious fruit to God. It is not possible to begin worshipping God after retirement in old age, when your body becomes weak, the sense organs lose their power, and the mind becomes feeble. Start early, drive slowly and reach safely. Start praying to God right from an early age. If you do not undertake sacred actions when your physical and mental faculties are strong, then when will you perform them? What can you do when the sense organs have lost all their power? Hence practice offering the fragrant flowers of your mind and heart to God with total faith from a young age. This is truenaivedyam (food offering). Many people today do not make such offerings. When their senses become weak after indulging in all sorts of sensual pleasures, they think of offering them to God, akin to offering leftover food.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Friday, February 19, 2016

Thought for the Day

People crave worldly happiness. If you analyse properly, this is the disease, and the resultant suffering we experience is its medicine and remedy. In the midst of these worldly pleasures, one rarely entertains the desire to attain the Lord. Besides it is necessary to analyse and discriminate every act of a person. It is this analysis which will give rise to the spirit of renunciation. Without this effort, renunciation is difficult to obtain. Miserliness is like the behavior of a dog; it has to be transformed. Anger is enemy number one of the spiritual aspirant; it is like spittle and has to be treated as such. And untruth is even more disgusting — through untruth, the vital powers of all are destroyed. It should be treated as scavenging itself. Theft ruins life; it makes the priceless human life cheaper than a pie; it is like rotten and foul smelling flesh. Moderate food, moderate sleep, love (prema), and fortitude will help in the upkeep of the health of both body and mind.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Before offering to God, it is food. Once it is offered to God, it becomes free from all impurities and gets transformed into prasadam. By eating such sacred food, one will not acquire any mental impurities. We offer food to God on a clean plantain leaf. The human body is a plantain leaf, your heart is a sacred vessel and and the sacred food items are the virtues and acts of good conduct. Today to whom are you offering food? Your sacred food offering is to demons of wicked feelings such as anger, hatred, and jealousy. The left over is being offered to God. That is why you are victims of restlessness, difficulties, sorrows, and misery. Get rid of your evil qualities and offer your virtues to God with the prayer: ‘Oh God, You are the resident of my heart and You are the embodiment of love, kindness, and compassion.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Thought for the Day

Whoever one may be, in whatever condition, if one gives no room for dispiritedness, if one has no fear at all, and if one remembers the Lord with unshaken faith and without any ulterior motive, all suffering and sorrow will fall away. The Lord will never enquire at any time the caste to which you belong or the precepts or traditions that you follow. Devotion doesn’t consist in wearing an ochre cloth, organising festivals, performing ritual sacrifices, shaving off the hair, carrying water pot or rod, matting the hair, etc. Instead, the characteristics of devotion are: a pure mind(anthah-karana), uninterrupted (whatever one may be doing) contemplation on God, the feeling that everything is the Lord’s creation, and therefore a) non-attachment to sense objects; b) the embracement of all in equal love; and c) dedication to true speech.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Thought For the Day

Whoever one may be, in whatever condition, if one gives no room for dispiritedness, if one has no fear at all, and if one remembers the Lord with unshaken faith and without any ulterior motive, all suffering and sorrow will fall away. The Lord will never enquire at any time the caste to which you belong or the precepts or traditions that you follow. Devotion doesn’t consist in wearing an ochre cloth, organising festivals, performing ritual sacrifices, shaving off the hair, carrying water pot or rod, matting the hair, etc. Instead, the characteristics of devotion are: a pure mind(anthah-karana), uninterrupted (whatever one may be doing) contemplation on God, the feeling that everything is the Lord’s creation, and therefore a) non-attachment to sense objects; b) the embracement of all in equal love; and c) dedication to true speech.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

With diligent efforts success can be achieved. Even an ant can cover miles by moving continuously. However even Garuda (the celestial eagle) cannot soar two feet if it has no will to fly. Likewise without good thoughts and good deeds based on them, one cannot accomplish anything good. The child Dhruva achieved what he desired despite many difficult obstacles, because of his firm determination and spiritual austerities. By his sublime thoughts, he achieved the status of a star in the sky. Likewise any person, irrespective of age or abilities, with faith and determination, can accomplish what they want. In every field steadfast performance(sadhana) is essential. In addition, you must control your temper. Sage Durvasa, despite his penance had no peace because he could not control his temper. Together with peace, the quality of (Kshama)is essential. Forgiveness is truth, it is Dharma, it is the essence of the Veda, it is non-violence and the best penance (Yajna).

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

With diligent efforts success can be achieved. Even an ant can cover miles by moving continuously. However even Garuda (the celestial eagle) cannot soar two feet if it has no will to fly. Likewise without good thoughts and good deeds based on them, one cannot accomplish anything good. The child Dhruva achieved what he desired despite many difficult obstacles, because of his firm determination and spiritual austerities. By his sublime thoughts, he achieved the status of a star in the sky. Likewise any person, irrespective of age or abilities, with faith and determination, can accomplish what they want. In every field steadfast performance(sadhana) is essential. In addition, you must control your temper. Sage Durvasa, despite his penance had no peace because he could not control his temper. Together with peace, the quality of (Kshama)is essential. Forgiveness is truth, it is Dharma, it is the essence of the Veda, it is non-violence and the best penance (Yajna).

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

With diligent efforts success can be achieved. Even an ant can cover miles by moving continuously. However even Garuda (the celestial eagle) cannot soar two feet if it has no will to fly. Likewise without good thoughts and good deeds based on them, one cannot accomplish anything good. The child Dhruva achieved what he desired despite many difficult obstacles, because of his firm determination and spiritual austerities. By his sublime thoughts, he achieved the status of a star in the sky. Likewise any person, irrespective of age or abilities, with faith and determination, can accomplish what they want. In every field steadfast performance(sadhana) is essential. In addition, you must control your temper. Sage Durvasa, despite his penance had no peace because he could not control his temper. Together with peace, the quality of (Kshama)is essential. Forgiveness is truth, it is Dharma, it is the essence of the Veda, it is non-violence and the best penance (Yajna).

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

None can escape from the reaction, reflection, and resound of their actions. Everyone will have to experience the consequences of their own actions. People who indulge in evil practices become distant from God. People who earn a bad reputation through their evil deeds will have no place in divine proximity. Therefore have a check on yourself when you laugh or scorn at others. Not just this, your speech and vision also must be in check. Some people sing inappropriate songs and eve tease women walking on the road. Has God given you a tongue to sing such vulgar songs? How sacred is the tongue, and what an evil use you put it to? By acting in an inappropriate manner, you ruin your reputation and subject yourself to ridicule by others. Therefore exercise control over your speech, vision, and laughter. If you want to earn a good name in the society and be respected by it, conduct yourself in a befitting manner.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

There is no penance (tapas) higher than fortitude, no happiness greater than contentment, no good deed (punya) holier than mercy, no weapon more effective than patience. Consider your body as the field and good deeds as seeds and cultivate the name of the Lord, with the help of the heart as farmer, to reap the harvest of the Lord Himself. Like cream in milk and fire in fuel, the Lord is in everything. Have full faith in this. As the milk, so the cream; as the fuel, so the fire; so also, as the spiritual discipline, so is the direct divine experience (sakshatkara)! Even if you don’t attain liberation (mukthi) as a consequence of taking up the Lord’s name, one of these four gates will be open to you: Company of the virtuous, truth, contentment and control of the senses. Anyone who enters through any one of these gates will certainly attain the Lord without fail.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Thought for the Day

When you satisfy God, the entire world will be satisfied with you. If God disowns you, then the world will also disown you. Hence, there is no need for you to make efforts to please this person or that person. Do not waste your life in the pursuit of mean and petty desires. Make earnest efforts to please God. When you please God and become dear to Him, the entire world will become yours. Thyagaraja sang, “Oh Rama! If I have Your Grace (Anugraha), all the nine planets (navagraha) will become subservient to me.” To become recipients of God’s grace, treat the pairs of opposites like pleasure and pain, happiness and sorrow, praise and blame with equal-mindedness. Always contemplate on God’s Divine Name and become deserving of His love. Once you become the recipients of God’s love, you need not be afraid of anything. You will achieve everything in life. Therefore, develop equal-mindedness and make efforts to earn divine grace.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Practise the vocabulary of love – unlearn the language of hate and contempt.

When you satisfy God, the entire world will be satisfied with you. If God disowns you, then the world will also disown you. Hence, there is no need for you to make efforts to please this person or that person. Do not waste your life in the pursuit of mean and petty desires. Make earnest efforts to please God. When you please God and become dear to Him, the entire world will become yours. Thyagaraja sang, “Oh Rama! If I have Your Grace (Anugraha), all the nine planets (navagraha) will become subservient to me.” To become recipients of God’s grace, treat the pairs of opposites like pleasure and pain, happiness and sorrow, praise and blame with equal-mindedness. Always contemplate on God’s Divine Name and become deserving of His love. Once you become the recipients of God’s love, you need not be afraid of anything. You will achieve everything in life. Therefore, develop equal-mindedness and make efforts to earn divine grace.
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Many aspirants lack moral commitment and seek God for the fulfilment of their petty desires and transient benefits. No one seeks to understand the nature of true love or the Divinity that underlies everything. What we witness today in the world, is a great deal of play-acting. All appear as devotees and all proclaim their spirit of sacrifice. Everyone declares himself or herself as a sadhaka (spiritual aspirant). Every believer claims that they are connecting with God. Sincerely enquire within, “Is the aspirant (Sadhaka) serving God or is God serving the Sadhaka?” The service that the sadhaka is doing is trivial. Offering to God what God has provided is like offering to the Ganga water from the Ganga. The truth is it is God who is serving the devotee. All the capacities given by God should be used in the service of the Divine. There is no need to go in quest of God. God is all the time searching for the genuine and steadfast devotee.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

To get angry is but the effort of a moment; but to get peace, to become unaffected by the ups and downs of life, is the result of years of training in Vedanta

Quarreling at every tiny little thing, losing one’s temper, becoming sad at the slightest provocation, getting angry at the smallest insult, worried at thirst, hunger, and loss of sleep — these can never be the characteristics of an aspirant. Rice in its natural state and boiled rice — can these two be the same? The hardness of natural rice is absent in the boiled one. The boiled grain is soft, harmless, and sweet. The unboiled raw grain is hard, conceited, and full of delusion. Both types are souls (jivis) and humans no doubt, but those immersed in external illusions (avidya-maya) are ‘people’, while those immersed in internal illusions (vidya-maya) are ‘spiritual aspirants’. God has neither internal illusions nor external illusions; He is devoid of both. The one who has no external illusions, becomes a spiritual aspirant, and when they are devoid of internal illusions too, they can be termed as God. Such a person’s heart is truly the seat of God. Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai baba

Thought for the Day

Pleasure is an interval between two pains. - Baba
Good and bad, wealth and poverty, praise and blame go together in this world. You cannot derive happiness out of happiness (Na sukhat labhate sukham). Happiness comes only out of sorrow. A wealthy man today may become a pauper tomorrow. Similarly, a pauper may become a rich man some day or other. Today you are being praised, but tomorrow you may be criticised. To consider praise and blame, happiness and sorrow, prosperity and adversity with equal-mindedness is the hallmark of a true human being. The Gita declares, “Remain equal-minded in happiness and sorrow, gain and loss, victory and defeat (Sukha Dukhe same kritva labhalabhau jayajayau). You can truly enjoy your life as a human being only when you consider both sorrow and happiness, profit and loss with equanimity. There is no value for happiness without sorrow. Therefore, welcome sorrow if you want to experience real happiness.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Thought for the Day

Spiritual aspirants must carefully understand the distinction between the conduct of the ordinary (sahaja) person and spiritual aspirant. The ordinary person has no fortitude (sahana), is conceited (ahamkara), and is full of desires related to the world, through which the person is trying to have a contented existence. Aspirants engaged in contemplation of the Lord (Sarveswara-chinthana) as ceaselessly as the waves of the sea, accumulate the wealth of equality and equal love to all, and are content in the thought that all is the Lord’s and nothing is theirs. Unlike the ordinary person, the spiritual seeker won’t easily bend before grief, loss, anger or hatred or selfishness, hunger, thirst or fickleness. Aspirants should master all good things as much as possible and journey through life in fortitude, courage, joy, peace, charity, and humility. Realise that tending the body is not all-important, and bear even hunger and thirst patiently and engage uninterruptedly in contemplation of the Lord.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Thought for the Day

Education and other things that make one grow and become big are of no use for spiritual progress; they bring about only spiritual downfall. That is why the world is called the ‘illusory universe’(maya-prapancha). Truth, in whatever illusion it is immersed, will only shine more effulgently, for such is the nature of truth. How can we say that the objective world, which undergoes modifications every minute, waning and waxing with the waywardness of appearing and disappearing, is eternal truth? The characteristic of a spiritual aspirant is the attainment of Truth, not the search of the unreal in this evanescent world. In this false world, there can be no true living (satya-achara). There can be only false living (mithya-achara). True living consists in the realisation of the Lord. This must be borne in mind by everyone every moment of one’s life. 

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Those who really wish to promote universal brotherhood too should develop the consciousness of the one Spirit dwelling in all beings.

Embodiments of Love! The hallmark of love is selfless sacrifice(thyaga). Love seeks nothing from anyone. It bears no ill-will towards anyone. It is utterly selfless and pure. Failing to understand the true nature of love, people yearn for it in various ways. Love must be cherished with feelings of selflessness and sacrifice. In what is deemed as love in the world - whether it be maternal love, brotherly love, or friendship - there is an element of selfishness. Only God's love is totally free from the taint of selfishness. Divine love reaches out even to the remotest being. It brings together those who are separate. It raises man from animality to Divinity. It transforms gradually all forms of worldly love to Divine love. Even the feeling of universal brotherliness is not the same as the experience of ekatvam (oneness). Even in such a fraternal feeling there is an element of self-interest. Those who really wish to promote universal brotherhood too should develop the consciousness of the one Spirit dwelling in all beings.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Develop good thoughts and naturally you will be entitled to the right of its fruits.

While doing Kundalini Yoga, people practice breath control. In the breathing exercises, inhalation is described as Purakam, exhalation as Rechakam and holding the breath as Kumbhakam. These alone do not constitute the means to achieve yogic power. To breathe in all that is good is Purakam. To give up all that is bad is Rechakam. To retain in the heart what is good is Kumbhakam. Every human being must practice this divine type of yoga; in fact this must become your primary goal. Puttaparthi is a small hamlet. How has this village attained this eminent state? You can find the answer for yourself. It was not merely a great piece of good fortune or a lucky accident. It is due to the power of thought. Every sacred thought has the power to find fulfilment. Hence scriptures declared: “As you think, that you become (Yad bhavam tad bhavati)". Develop good thoughts and naturally you will be entitled to the right of its fruits.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Friday, February 5, 2016

Thought for the Day

Noble-minded actions, virtuous qualities and sacred thoughts are the basic foundations of good characte
While doing Kundalini Yoga, people practice breath control. In the breathing exercises, inhalation is described as Purakam, exhalation as Rechakam and holding the breath as Kumbhakam. These alone do not constitute the means to achieve yogic power. To breathe in all that is good is Purakam. To give up all that is bad is Rechakam. To retain in the heart what is good is Kumbhakam. Every human being must practice this divine type of yoga; in fact this must become your primary goal. Puttaparthi is a small hamlet. How has this village attained this eminent state? You can find the answer for yourself. It was not merely a great piece of good fortune or a lucky accident. It is due to the power of thought. Every sacred thought has the power to find fulfilment. Hence scriptures declared: “As you think, that you become (Yad bhavam tad bhavati)". Develop good thoughts and naturally you will be entitled to the right of its fruits.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

A good student is the best offering every good teacher must give to the nation.
Develop the quality of love. Fill your entire life with love. This was the prayer which the Gopikas addressed to Krishna. A life without love is utterly barren. You are the embodiment of love. Love has to be directed towards what is true. Such love must be your life-breath. Embodiments of the Divine Atma! Esteeming love as the essence of Divinity, you must engage yourselves in loving service to society. Why is it that so many lakhs of people have gathered here today? There must be some compelling reason for it. You must be seeking something which you have not found in your native place. Here there is Divine Love. What has drawn all people here is the power of Divine Love - that is the bond uniting hearts. At the root of all this is purity. Where there is purity, there love grows. When purity and love come together, there is Ananda (bliss). Whatever work we do, whatever sacrifices we perform, they are not of much use in the absence of love

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

ஞான யோகம் மேற்கொள்ள கர்ம யோகப் பயிற்சியே முதல் படி

வேத வியாசர் எழுதி அருளிய மகாபாரதத்தின் இறுதிப் பகுதியில் வருவது உயர்ந்த ஞான சாத்திரமான பகவத் கீதை. அனைத்து உபநிடதங்களின் சாரமாகவும் கீதை விளங்குகிறது. பதினெட்டு அத்தியாயங்களையும் எழுநூறு சுலோகங்களையும் உள்ளடக்கியது.
ஆன்மாக்கள் இறைவனை அடைய வழிகாட்டும் உன்னத சாத்திரம் கீதை. பிறவியின் நோக்கம் பிறவாமையை எய்துவது ஒன்றே என்பது இந்து தர்மத்தின் சாரம். கீதையில் இக்கருத்து ஒவ்வொரு அத்தியாயத்திலும் பல இடங்களில் வலியுறுத்தப்பட்டுள்ளது.
சனாதனமான இந்து தர்மத்தின் அனைத்து பிரிவினருக்கும் (சைவம், வைணவம், சாக்தம், கௌமாரம், காணாபத்தியம், சௌரம்) பொதுவான சாத்திர நூல் பகவத் கீதை.
முதல் ஆறு அத்தியாயங்களில் கர்ம யோகம் (அல்லது) ஞான யோகம் மூலமாக ஜீவாத்ம ஞானம் பெறும் வழிமுறைகள் பேசப்பட்டுள்ளது.
இரண்டாவது ஆறு அத்தியாயங்களில் (ஜீவாத்ம ஞானம் பெற்ற நிலையில் உள்ள உபாசகன்) பக்தி யோகம் மூலமாக பரமாத்மவான இறைவனை அறியும் வழிமுறைகள் விளக்கப்படுகிறது.
இறுதியில் இடம்பெறும் ஆறு அத்தியாயங்களில் மேலும் சில விளக்கங்களுடன் சரணாகதி தத்துவத்தை கண்ணன் உபதேசித்து அருளுகிறான்.
சிவபெருமான் - அம்பிகை - மகா விஷ்ணு - விநாயகப் பெருமான் - முருகக் கடவுள் போன்றவை பரம்பொருளான இறைவன் எடுத்துக் கொண்ட முக்கிய வடிவங்கள்.
அனைத்து இறை வடிவங்களின் பிரதிநிதியாகவும் நின்று ஸ்ரீகிருஷ்ணன் அருளிச் செய்துள்ள உத்தமமான ஞான நூல் தான் பகவத் கீதை என்ற தெளிவான புரிதலுடன் கீதையை அணுகுதல் வேண்டும்
பொதுவாக கர்ம யோகம், ஞான யோகம், பக்தி யோகம் ஆகிய மூன்றும் இறைவனை அடையும் தனித்தனி வழிகள் என்றும் இம்மூன்றில் ஏதாவது ஒரு வழியை பின்பற்றி இறைவனை அடையலாம் என்ற தவறான கருத்து நிலவுகிறது.
கர்ம யோகம் அனைத்து மார்கங்களுக்கும் முதல் படி.
கர்ம யோகம் (அல்லது) ஞான யோகம் மூலம் ஒரு உபாசகன் தன்னை அறிவதான ஜீவாத்ம ஞானம் பெறுகிறான். ஜீவாத்ம ஞானம் பெற்றபின் பக்தி யோக பயிற்சி மூலம் பரமாத்வான இறைவனை அடைகிறான்.
கர்ம யோகம் நேரடியாக ஜீவாத்ம தரிசனத்தைப் பெற்றுத் தரும். ஆனால் ஞான யோக பயிற்சியை நேரடியாக தொடங்குதல் முடியாது என்று கீதை அறிவிக்கிறது. ஞான யோகம் மேற்கொள்ள கர்ம யோகப் பயிற்சியே முதல் படி எனவும் கீதை தெரிவிக்கிறது.

நமது வாழ்க்கையிலும் கடமை என்று வந்துவிட்டால் அதற்குத்தான் முதலிடம் கொடுக்க வேண்டுமே தவிர, அதைப் புறம் தள்ளக்கூடாது

பாற்கடலில் பரந்தாமனான பெருமாள் பள்ளிகொண்டிருந்தார். அவரது தலைக்கு ஆதிசேஷ பாம்பு குடைபிடித்திருந்தது. காலில் பாதரட்சை அணிந்திருந்தார். பெருமாள் உறங்கிக்கொண்டிருந்த நேரத்தில் இருவரும் பேசிக்கொண்டனர். இப்போது பெருமாள் தூங்கிக் கொண்டுதானே இருக்கிறார். நாம் இருவரும் வெளியே போய் சற்று வேடிக்கை பார்த்துவிட்டு, தேவலோகத்தில் ரம்பையர்கள் ஆடும் நடனத்தை ரசித்து வருவோமே என்றது பாம்பு.பாதரட்சை மறுத்துவிட்டது. பெருமாளின் பாதத்திற்கு சேவை செய்வதைவிட சிறந்த இன்பம் வேறு ஏதும் இல்லை. எனவே நான் வரவில்லை. நீ வேண்டுமானால் போய் வா என சொல்லிவிட்டது.
பரந்தாமன் இவ்வுலகில் நடக்கும் அனைத்தையும் கவனிப்பவர்.
ஒவ்வொரு உயிரின் நடவடிக்கையையும் அவர் தனது பதிவேட்டில் பதிந்துவிடுவார். அப்படியிருக்க தன் அருகிலேயே இருக்கும் பாம்பையும், பாதரட்சையையும் அவர் கவனிக்காமல் இருப்பாரா என்ன! அவர் தூங்குவது போலவே நடித்துக்கொண்டிருந்தார். பாம்பு அங்கிருந்து வேடிக்கை பார்க்க புறப்பட்டு விட்டது. பெருமாள் அதைப்பற்றி கண்டுகொள்ளவே இல்லை.
ராமாவதார காலம் வந்தது. தனது செருப்பை கழற்றி பரதனுக்கு கொடுத்தார். அந்த திருவடியை வைத்து பரதன்ஆட்சி நடத்தினான். செருப்பை பாதுகாக்க ஒரு குடையை அமைத்தார். அந்த குடைதான் முற்பிறவியில் ஆதிசேஷனாக இருந்த பாம்பு. இப்போது செருப்புக்கு பாம்பு குடைபிடிக்க வேண்டிய அவசியம் வந்துவிட்டது. இதைத்தான் பாதுகா பட்டாபிஷேகம் என்பார்கள்.
இறைவனுக்கு மட்டுமல்ல, நமது வாழ்க்கையிலும் கடமை என்று வந்துவிட்டால் அதற்குத்தான் முதலிடம் கொடுக்க வேண்டுமே தவிர, அதைப் புறம் தள்ளக்கூடாது என்பதை இந்த சம்பவம் எடுத்துக்காட்டுகிறது.

நமஹ" என்ற சொல்லுக்கு அர்த்தம்:-

கோயிலில் மந்திரம் சொல்லும் போது, "நமஹ' என்ற சொல்வதைக் கேட்டிருப்பீர்கள்.
இதன் அர்த்தம் என்ன?
சமஸ்கிருதத்தில் "மமஹ' என்றால் "என்னுடையது' என்று பொருள்.
அதோடு "ந' என்பதைச் சேர்த்து "ந மமஹ' என்று சொன்னால் "என்னுடையது இல்லை' என்று அர்த்தம் உண்டாகும்.
"ந மமஹ' என்பதே "நமஹ' என்றானதாகச் சொல்வர்.
"எல்லாம் கடவுளுக்கே சொந்தமானது' என்று அறிவிப்பதற்காகவே அர்ச்சனையின் போது "நமஹ' என்று உச்சரிக்கின்றனர்.
கடவுளுக்கு அர்ச்சிக்கும் தேங்காய், பழம் மட்டுமில்லாமல், வழிபடும் நாமும் கடவுளுக்குச் சொந்தமானவர்கள் என்பதைக் குறிக்கவே "நமஹ' என்கின்றனர்.
ஸ்ரீ கோவிந்தாய நம:

நாம் எவ்வளவு தூரம் சென்றாலும் நம்மோடு பாபா இருக்கிறார்

நாம் எவ்வளவு தூரம் சென்றாலும் நம்மோடு பாபா இருக்கிறார், நாம் செய்வதையும் பார்க்கிறார் ஆகவே , துன்ப நேரத்தில் துவள வேண்டாம். அவர் நிச்சயம் நம்மை காப்பாற்றுவார்.
ஓம் சாயி நமோ நம: ஸ்ரீ சாயி நமோ நம
ஜெய ஜெய சாயி நமோ நம: சத்குரு சாயி நமோ நம

Jai Sai Ram

Thought for the Day

For achieving anything in life two things are essential: firm faith and pure love. To experience pure, Divine love, you must be prepared to give up selfishness and self-interest. You must develop purity and steadfastness. With firm faith in the Divine, you must foster the love of God regardless of all obstacles and ordeals. You should never think that pleasure and pain are caused by some external forces; it is not so. They are the result of your own thoughts. There is no meaning in blaming others. If you develop love of God, that love will banish all sorrow and evil tendencies like attachment, anger and envy. One should pursue both spiritual education and secular studies. You have to realise that Nature is also a manifestation of God. Hence, Nature should not be ignored. Nature is the effect and God is the cause. Thus you should recognize the omnipresence of the Divine in the entire cosmos.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Soft sweet speech is the expression of genuine love

Look at the crane; it walks pretty fast while in water. But while walking, it can’t catch fish; for that purpose, it must become quiet and stand motionless. So also, if you lead your daily life with greed, anger, and similar qualities, you cannot secure the fish of truth (sathya), dharma, and peace (shanti).Whatever spiritual practice one may be engaged in, one must practise uninterrupted remembrance of the Lord’s Name (nama-smarana). Only then can you master the natural attributes of greed, anger, etc. All the scriptures(sastras) teach this one lesson: since the Lord is the universal goal and this journey of life has Him as the destination, keep Him constantly in view and subdue the mind so that you do not stray from your chosen path. All the good qualities automatically accumulate with the person who practices control of speech and constant contemplation of the Lord.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

ஈசனிடம் சரணடைந்த சந்திரன்:

தட்சனின் இருபத்தி ஏழு பெண்களையும் சந்திரன் திருமணம் செய்து கொண்டான். திருமணத்தின் போது அனைத்து பெண்களிடமும் அன்புடன் இருக்க வேண்டும் என்று தட்சன் சந்திரனிடம் உறுதி வாங்கினான். ஆனால் சந்திரன் ரோகிணியிடம் மட்டும் அதிகமான அன்பு காட்டினான். அதைக்கண்ட மற்ற பெண்கள் தட்சனிடம் சென்று முறையிட்டனர். இதனால் கோபம் கொண்ட தட்சன், சந்திரனை ‘தேய்ந்து போவாய்’ என்று சாபம் கொடுத்தான். தேய்ந்து கொண்டு வந்த சந்திரன் கடைசியில் சிவபெருமானிடம் தஞ்சமடைந்தான். அவனுக்கு அடைக்கலம் கொடுத்த சிவபெருமான், சந்திரனை தலையில் எடுத்து வைத்து கொண்டார். அதனால் சாபம் பாதியாக குறைந்தது. அதாவது பாதி நாட்கள் வளர்வதும், பாதி நாட்கள் தேய்வதுமாக மாறினான் சந்திரன். இப்படி தான் வளர்பிறை, தேய்பிறை உருவானது.இவ்வாறு சந்திரனை சிவபெருமான் திருமுடியில் அமர்த்தியது சோமவாரத்தில் தான். 14 ஆண்டுகள் சோமவாரம் பூஜை செய்யும் கணவன்– மனைவிக்கு, முக்தி பேற்றினை கொடுக்க வேண்டும் என்று ஈசனிடம் வேண்டினான் சந்திரன். அவனது விருப்பத்தை சிவபெருமான் நிறைவேற்றினார்.

ராஜாவின் இசைக்கு ஈடு இணை இந்த உலகத்தில் இல்லை.

என் அருமை நண்பர் Sivakumar Venkatachalam அவர்களின் பதிவு.....
நண்பர் ஒருவருக்கு பாடல்கள் சிலவற்றை பரிந்துரை செய்யவேண்டி இருந்தவேளையில் இளையராஜாவின் how to name itல் வரும் வயலின் இசையை மீண்டும் கேட்க நேர்ந்தது. பாலுமகேந்திராவின் வீடு திரைப்படத்திலும் இந்த இசைக்கோர்வைகள் பயன்படுத்தப் பட்டிருக்கும்.
உலகில் எத்தனையோ இசைமேதைகள் இருக்கலாம். அதில் பலர் வயலினை பலவிதங்களில் நேர்த்தியாகக் கையாண்டிருக்கக்கூடும். நானுமே ராஜாவைத்தாண்டி பலரின் வயலின் வித்தைகளைக் கேட்டு ரசித்ததுண்டு. ஆனால் அவை நேர்த்தியான இசை மட்டுமே. ஆனால் இளையராஜா அந்த இசையிலும் கொஞ்சம் ஜீவனையும் புகுத்தியிருக்கிறார். காதுகள் வழியே புறப்படும் அது உயிர்க்கூட்டில் நுழைந்து இனம்புரியாத பரவசத்தை ஏற்படுத்திவிட்டு உடலில் எங்கேயோ ஒரு மூலையில் தங்கியும் விடுகிறது.
பலர் மேல் காதல் வருவதுண்டு போவதுண்டு. ஆனால் எப்படி முதல் காதலை மட்டும் மறக்கமுடியாமல் மனதில் பூட்டி பொக்கிஷமாக பாதுகாக்கிறோமோ அதைப்போலவே எனக்கு முதன் முதலில் பரிட்சயமான இசை இளையராஜாவினுடையது. யுகங்கள் கடந்தாலும் அதன்மீதுள்ள காதல் மட்டும் மாறுவதில்லை. அந்தவகையில் என்னைப் பொருத்தவரையில் ராஜாவின் இசைக்கு ஈடு இணை இந்த உலகத்தில் இல்லை.

Thought for the Day

If you are ill or if your mind is pre-occupied, you will not enjoy the taste of delicious food. So also if your heart is full of ignorance (tamas) or is straying, no joy will be experienced, even if you are engaged in remembrance of the name (namasmarana), devotional singing (japa), or meditation. The tongue will be sweet as long as there is sugar on it. Likewise if the pillar of light called devotion continues to burn in the corridor of the heart, there will be no darkness. The heart will be illumined in bliss. A bitter thing on the tongue makes your whole tongue bitter; when qualities like greed and anger enter the heart, the brightness disappears, darkness dominates the scene, and one becomes the target of countless griefs and losses. Therefore those who aspire to attain the holy presence of the Lord must acquire certain habits, disciplines, and qualities. You must modify your daily living through spiritual discipline.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Monday, February 1, 2016

தொடர்ந்து 120 நாட்கள் கறிவேப்பிலையை பச்சையாக சாப்பிட்டு வந்தால்?...

பொதுவாக உணவில் நறுமணத்திற்காகவும், சுவைக்காகவும் சேர்க்கப்படும் கறிவேப்பிலையை அனைவரும் தூக்கி எறிந்துவிடுவோம். ஆனால் அந்த கறிவேப்பிலையை தினமும் காலையில் வெறும் வயிற்றில் பச்சையாக சாப்பிட்டு வந்தால் என்ன நன்மைகளெல்லாம் கிடைக்கும் என்று தெரியுமா?

கறி வேப்பிலை இலையின் மருத்துவ இரகசியங்கள்!!!...

கறிவேப்பிலையில் வைட்டமின் ஏ, வைட்டமின் பி, வைட்டமின் பி2, வைட்டமின் சி, கால்சியம் மற்றும் இரும்புச்சத்து போன்றவை வளமாக நிறைந்துள்ளது.

கறிவேப்பிலை முடியின் வளர்ச்சிக்கு நல்லது என்று பலர் சொல்ல கேட்டிருப்போம். ஆனால் அதனை பச்சையாக தினமும் காலையில் சாப்பிடுவதால் கிடைக்கும் நன்மைகள் பற்றி பலருக்கும் தெரிந்திருக்க வாய்ப்பில்லை.

இங்கு தொடர்ந்து 120 நாட்கள் கறிவேப்பிலையை பச்சையாக சாப்பிட்டு வந்தால் உடலில் நடைபெறும் மாற்றங்கள் பட்டியலிடப்பட்டுள்ளன.
🍀கொழுப்புக்கள் கரையும்:

காலையில் வெறும் வயிற்றில் 15 கறிவேப்பிலை இலையை உட்கொண்டு வந்தால், வயிற்றைச் சுற்றியுள்ள அதிகப்படியான கொழுப்புக்கள் கரைந்து, அழகான மற்றும் எடுப்பான இடையைப் பெறலாம்.
🍀இரத்த சோகை:

இரத்த சோகை உள்ளவர்கள், காலையில் ஒரு பேரிச்சம் பழத்துடன், சிறிது கறிவேப்பிலையை உட்கொண்டு வந்தால், உடலில் இரத்த சிவப்பணுக்களின் அளவு அதிகரித்து, இரத்த சோகை நீங்கும்.
🍀சர்க்கரை நோய் :

சர்க்கரை நோயினால் பாதிக்கப்பட்டவர்கள், தினமும் காலையில் கறிவேப்பிலையை பச்சையாக உட்கொண்டு வந்தால், இரத்தத்தில் உள்ள சர்க்கரையின் அளவு சீராக இருக்கும்.
🍀இதய நோய்:

கறிவேப்பிலை உடலில் தேங்கியுள்ள கெட்ட கொழுப்புக்களை கரைப்பதோடு, நல்ல கொழுப்புக்களை அதிகரித்து, இதய நோய் மற்றும் பெருந்தமனி தடிப்பு போன்ற பிரச்சனையில் இருந்து நல்ல பாதுகாப்பு தரும்.
🍀செரிமானம் :

நீண்ட நாட்கள் செரிமான பிரச்சனையை சந்தித்து வருபவராயின், அதிகாலையில் வெறும் வயிற்றில் 15 கறிவேப்பிலையை மென்று சாப்பிட்டால், செரிமான பிரச்சனைகள் நீங்கிவிடும்.
🍀முடி வளர்ச்சி :

கறிவேப்பிலையை தினமும் சிறிது உட்கொண்டு வந்தால், முடியின் வளர்ச்சியில் நல்ல மாற்றத்தைக் காண்பதோடு, முடி நன்கு கருமையாகவும் இருப்பதை உணர்வீர்கள்.
🍀சளித் தேக்கம்:

சளித் தேக்கத்தில் இருந்து நிவாரணம் பெற, ஒரு டீஸ்பூன் கறிவேப்பிலை பொடியை தேன் கலந்து தினமும் இரண்டு வேளை உட்கொண்டு வந்தால், உடலில் தேங்கியிருந்த சளி முறிந்து வெளியேறிவிடும்.

🍀கல்லீரல் பாதிப்பு:
நீங்கும் கறிவேப்பிலை உட்கொண்டு வந்தால், கல்லீரலில் தங்கியுள்ள தீங்கு விளைவிக்கக்கூடிய நச்சுக்கள் வெளியேறிவிடும். மேலும் கறிவேப்பிலையில் உள்ள வைட்டமின் ஏ மற்றும் சி கல்லீரலைப் பாதுகாப்பதோடு, சீராக செயல்படவும் தூண்டும்.

மனித உடலின் நண்பன் கறிவேப்பிலை.

தூக்கி எறிந்து உதாசீனம் செய்யாதீர்கள்.

குழந்தைகளுக்கு நாம் சொல்லிக் கொடுத்து பழக்கப் படுத்துவது நம் தலையாய கடமைகளில் ஒன்று என்பதை மனதால் உணருங்கள்.
★ இத்தகவல் பிடித்திருந்தால் குறைந்தது இரண்டு நண்பர்களுடனாவது பகிர்ந்து கொள்ளுங்கள்

TNVAT New E-Service Facility

TN Govt introduced TIN and CST New Registration are only e - registration.
Finally tn govt introduced e governance on Commercial Tax Department
Important - TNVAT New E-Service Facility
You are requested to kindly Sign-Up into the new system (preferably by 15 February 2016)
Key updates under the e-C Tax Project (rolled out by the Hon’ble Chief Minister on 29/01/2016) are as under
1. Dealer Registration / Modification to Registration shall be done only through new Portal.
2. All the existing dealers and new dealers coming for registration shall signup in the new system with the individual mobile number and e-mail id. The mobile number and e-mail id shall be unique to the system.
3. Dealers who have not provided their valid PAN shall update their valid PAN in the new system.
4. Online filing of Returns and payment for Entry Tax has been introduced.
5. Dealers will receive SMS / e-mail notification and can track the status.
6. No cheque / Cash payment will be accepted at Assessment Circles for all remittances including Registration Fees.
7. Facility for filing of returns using Digital Signature has been introduced. No need for filing of Hard Copy in the Assessment Circle if Digital Signatures are used for online filing of returns.
8. Monthly Returns under VAT and CST from the month of March 2016 (February 2016 returns) along with payment shall be made in the new system.
9. January 2016 returns due to be filed in February 2016 along with payment has to be made in the old system (NIC).
10. Online generation of C & F forms upto the month of January 2016 returns can be done only in the old system (NIC).
11. From 1st March 2016, e-Transit pass (Form LL) shall be generated from the new system.
12. Online generation of Form JJ / MM / KK has been introduced for movement of goods.
13. Monthly Returns under TN Tax on Entry of Motor Vehicles Act (Dealers and Individuals) has been introduced and shall be filed in the new system from the month of March 2016 (February 2016 returns).
14. Generation of TDN by contractees and online TDS payment has been introduced. From 1st March 2016 TDS payment shall be made only in the new system
new website address HTTPS://

முகப்பரு நீங்க எளிய இயற்கை வைத்தியம்...

*சங்குபஸ்பம் என்று நாட்டு மருந்துக் கடைகளில் கிடைக்கும், அதை எலுமிச்சைச் சாறில் கலந்து பரு உள்ள இடங்களில் பூச வேண்டும்.
*சந்தனத்தை நன்றாக இழைத்துப் பூசிவர, பரு காய்ந்துபோகும்.
*குப்பைமேனிக் கீரையுடன் பூசுமஞ்சளை அரைத்து முகத்தில் தேய்க்க, பரு மறைந்துவிடும்.
*சந்தனம், வெட்டிவேர், விலாமிச்சை வேர், கோரைக்கிழங்கு, பாசிப்பருப்பு போன்றவற்றால் தயாரிக்கப்படும் நலுங்கு மாவால் முகம் கழுவினால், பருவின் வீரியம் கட்டுப்படும்.
Thanks to Natural Food and Healthy life

Thought for the Day

A farmer clears and levels the land, removes the stones and thorns, ploughs and prepares the field, manures and strengthens the soil, waters and fertilizes it. Then after sowing, transplanting, weeding, spraying, and waiting, he reaps the crop. After winnowing and threshing, he stacks the corn. All these various processes are for the sake of feeding the stomach. So too one must feel that all hunger and thirst, joy and sorrow, grief and loss, suffering and anger, food and appetite are but impulses that help us march forward to attain the Presence of the Lord. When you have this attitude, sin will never tarnish any of your activities. Your appetite for hunger and material desires will also vanish, without a vestige of name or form. On the other hand, if you treat the appetites as more important, you will be sure to earn only sorrow, not joy. It will be impossible to acquire peace.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba