
Sunday, February 14, 2016

To get angry is but the effort of a moment; but to get peace, to become unaffected by the ups and downs of life, is the result of years of training in Vedanta

Quarreling at every tiny little thing, losing one’s temper, becoming sad at the slightest provocation, getting angry at the smallest insult, worried at thirst, hunger, and loss of sleep — these can never be the characteristics of an aspirant. Rice in its natural state and boiled rice — can these two be the same? The hardness of natural rice is absent in the boiled one. The boiled grain is soft, harmless, and sweet. The unboiled raw grain is hard, conceited, and full of delusion. Both types are souls (jivis) and humans no doubt, but those immersed in external illusions (avidya-maya) are ‘people’, while those immersed in internal illusions (vidya-maya) are ‘spiritual aspirants’. God has neither internal illusions nor external illusions; He is devoid of both. The one who has no external illusions, becomes a spiritual aspirant, and when they are devoid of internal illusions too, they can be termed as God. Such a person’s heart is truly the seat of God. Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai baba

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