A farmer clears and levels the land, removes the stones and thorns, ploughs and prepares the field, manures and strengthens the soil, waters and fertilizes it. Then after sowing, transplanting, weeding, spraying, and waiting, he reaps the crop. After winnowing and threshing, he stacks the corn. All these various processes are for the sake of feeding the stomach. So too one must feel that all hunger and thirst, joy and sorrow, grief and loss, suffering and anger, food and appetite are but impulses that help us march forward to attain the Presence of the Lord. When you have this attitude, sin will never tarnish any of your activities. Your appetite for hunger and material desires will also vanish, without a vestige of name or form. On the other hand, if you treat the appetites as more important, you will be sure to earn only sorrow, not joy. It will be impossible to acquire peace.
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
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