In the present times, there is none fully good, and so who deserves the protection of God? All are tainted by wickedness! Will anyone survive if God decides to uproot evil? Therefore I have to correct the buddhi (intellect) by various means; I have to counsel, help, command, condemn and standby as friend and well-wisher to all, so that they may give up evil propensities, recognise the straight path, tread it and reach the goal. I have to reveal to the people the worth of the Vedas and the scriptural texts, which lay down the norms. The easiest path to self-realisation is the surrender of the ego. Arjuna surrendered and so the war he was engaged in was transformed into a yajna, a sacrifice! Daksha performed a yajna, but was so full of egoism and chose not to surrender! So his yajna was transformed into a war filled with hate. Do not pit your tiny ego against the Almighty; leave it to His Will and you will enjoy lasting peace.
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
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