God has endowed you with a body and so every limb and sense-organ is worthy of reverent attention. Each must be used for His glory. The ear must exult when it gets a chance to hear the wonderful tales of God. The tongue must exult when it can praise Him. Else, your tongue is as effective as that of frogs on the marshy bank which croak day and night! An animal (pasu) fears; a beast (mriga) terrifies! Being afraid of someone or something is an animal tendency and bullying others is a demonic tendency. You should have neither! Your human body is gifted to you for a grand purpose – to realise the Lord within. If you own a fully loaded car in good running condition, would you keep it in the garage? Would you not drive it to where you need to go? So too, learn to use the faculties of body, senses, intellect, and mind, and achieve your goal!
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
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