
Sunday, December 17, 2017

Thought for the Day

Ideas of superiority and inferiority arise only in a heart corrupted by egoism. If someone argues that they are superior and their path to worship is holier, it is proof that they missed the very core of faith. Spiritual efforts (sadhana) must reveal the unity in all creation. Ask yourself this: When you rise after bhajans or meditation, do you see everyone in a clearer light, as endowed with Divinity? Do you love more, do you talk less, do you serve others more earnestly? These are the signs of success in Sadhana. Your progress must be authenticated by your character and behaviour. Even a boulder will, through the action of sun, rain, heat and cold, disintegrate into mud and become food for a tree. Sadhana must transmute your attitude towards beings and things; else it is a hoax, a waste of your time! Remember, even the hardest of hearts can be softened and Divine will sprout therein – so, do not give up!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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