
Sunday, December 3, 2017

Thought for the Day

Do not demean your talents; when you dive deep into yourselves you can discover the source of all strength. Ants creeping over a huge rock, millions of them, can carve a deep groove along their path. The minute feet of the ant have that power. You might have seen on the walls around the village wells, deep holes produced on granite slabs by the continuous placing of water pots! The pots are made of mud, but over years they erase even the hardest granite! The embodiment of the Self (Atma-swarupa) that you are is not an embodiment of insignificance (alpa-swarupam)! The Atma is not anaemic. It is a powerful dynamo, capable of generating enormous power. Your spiritual teacher (Guru) shows you the goal (guri); but, you must generate the power yourself, by your own spiritual effort.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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