Death is imagined by some as a terror-striking God riding a monster-buffalo, pouncing on you with a noose. No! The noose is your own making! He does not pounce; he gives advance notice of his arrival to take you - intimations like grey hair, falling teeth, failing vision, hearing deafness, shrinking skin, etc. He does not ride any beast; he is only another name for Time. It is Time that creeps steadily towards you and shears the cord of life. So utilise the capacity for action (karma) with which you are endowed, to liberate yourself. The Law of karmaholds out hope for you; as the karma, so the consequence. Do not bind yourself further by seeking the fruit of action. Offer the act at the feet of God. Let it glorify Him. Be unconcerned with the success or failure of the endeavour. Then death will not bind you, but will come as a liberator
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
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