
Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Thought for the Day

The mansion called life must be built on strong foundations. The pursuit of artha (wealth) and kama (desire) for objects and welfare, must be regulated by Dharma (righteousness). Dharma fosters those who foster it (Dharmo rakshati rakshitah). The strongest foundation is ever-present faith in God. Some may ask, "If God is Almighty, why is He not patent?" Well, God reveals Himself only to those who yearn for an answer, not to those who ask with impudence or ignorance. God is patent only in every transparent heart that is not clouded by egoism or attachment. The string of the rosary is patent only in the crystal beads, not on the coral or rudraksha beads, though it runs through these latter too. All the thousands of individuals here before Me now are so many thousand flowers, strung on that one thread, Brahman (Divinity). In Brahman, you all find unity, the unity you have missed, because you were engrossed in your own separateness.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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