The worst action you can do is to do the opposite of what you preach. To deny by the hand what you dole out of your mouth! If you cannot act up to your declarations, keep quiet; do not go about advising and advertise yourself as a hypocrite! Do not preach virtue while decrying it in deed. Righteousness (dharma) is steady and unchanging; it can never decline. Only those who must practice dharma are declining in faith and steadfastness! Every individual is judged by their practice, never by their precepts that they pour forth eloquently. Ask yourself the question honestly: "What use have I made of the spiritual experience that I have received so far? How much have I benefited?" Introspect! A seed grows slowly into a huge spreading tree. So too, through tiny acts, soft words, genuine and kind deeds, you must elevate yourself into a Divine Being!
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
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