Ancient sages who experienced the fragrance of the Divine searched for the form. They sought Him in forests and bushes. They had renounced everything and made a lot of sacrifices, still they could not find the source. Some even gave up midway, being satisfied with the fragrance that they had experienced. But others, with relentless determination, were able to find the flower eventually. There were yet others who could not experience the fragrance itself due to ‘severe cold’, and were termed atheists. Even though they had the nose they could not experience the fragrance of divine Bliss; they indeed are the unfortunate ones. But those who were able to experience this bliss exclaimed in ecstasy, “Vedahametham Purusham Mahantam (We have realised the Supreme Personality of the Godhead).” How is one to realise this? In every human being, the bliss or Ananda emanates from the heart, just as fragrance from a flower. The heart truly is complete and full.
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
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